Hi all,
Have you ever tried to debug a large application and wished that you could quickly retain wire values on all VIs in the main application so you could find your problem with data etc?
I would love to have a function where I could quickly toggle the "Retain Wire Values" button on all my subvis (ideally also be able to choose how many levels I do this down the hierarchy). My colleague and I have searched for a property node or a method in the scripting functions but have not found anything other than "Highlight Execution" setting. Is this a hidden feature or have we just not looked hard enough.
This question was asked by others back in 2009 : http://forums.ni.com/t5/LabVIEW-Idea-Exchange/Enable-Retain-Wire-Values-for-entire-VI-hierarchy/idi-p/1045552
Vishal Devanath came up with a JKI RCF vi to do this back then but this no longer seems to work (at least in LabVIEW 2012).
Any ideas?
"Give a man a fish, and he will live for a day. Teach him to program LabVIEW™ and he wont need fish again" Confucius cira 480BCE