I want to develop a C++ script server or C++ script node which
it works like LabPython. So I want to run my C++ code in text mode
in the block diagram of LabVIEW. Now I can run my C++ code
in C++ interpreter of CERN's ROOT which can run without compilation.
ROOT is good at data analysis, and LabVIEW does well in the data acqisition.
I hope the two can be work together. So instead of data processing offline by using ROOT after LabVIEW
finish getting the experiment data, I hope that data processing online when LabVIEW getting data.
That means I must corporate my ROOT C++ code into LabVIEW which is like LabPython.
It is better for me to have a script node like LabPython which can runn the ROOT C++ code.
But I google the document about LabPython source code, and could not get any good result.
So how can I see the source code of LabPython?
I really want to know how develop a script node in Block Diagram of LabVIEW, and any document
about this is few.
So I will appreciate any help.
Best regard, abc4329803