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  1. Yer, I like to ask all the big questions... The question was raised here (among other things, but I want to focus on installation directory only) and elsewhere on whether OpenG would be better suited in vi.lib as per the NI requirements for developing third-party APIs etc... Why is OpenG installed to user.lib? That's simple, it's a historical thing. Now due to changes, notably NI opening up vi.lib, things have changed. It also turns out user.lib is so 8.0's (ha! get it?) and vi.lib is now the preferred and more professional approach for installation of third-party APIs. I tested this in LabVIEW 2009. It seems LabVIEW handles the transition quite well, so I think this is doable. You can test it yourself by doing the following: Create a Test.vi Link Test.vi to (any) reuse VI in user.lib Save and close Test.vi Move the user.lib reuse VI to the same level in vi.lib (do not edit any folder or file names) Open Test.vi and watch LabVIEW link to the moved reuse VI I have even played with changing folder names and LabVIEW is able to link to the correct VI. So we could even review if we wanted to change _OpenG.lib to _OpenG or OpenG as per the NI recommendations for Company Name. So what would a change like this mean? I envisage the following for OpenG Developers and End Users: On opening a project with OpenG, the OpenG VIs will be missing, LabVIEW will conduct a search and automatically find the new VIs in vi.lib quickly and with no user interaction All OpenG packages will have external dependencies upgraded to be the latest OpenG packages (so all linkages are correct for that package) This update of OpenG Libraries will be atomic i.e. available to the public all at the same time (as per 4.x release) Thoughts?
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