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Found 2 results

  1. Hello Everyone: I am doing lightsheet imaging. I scan the sample with the sheet of light. I trigger the camera and derive Galvo through DAQ. The staircase.with.external.trigger.vi is the code for triggering and writing the voltage. MY camera is Thorlabs USB ccd camera. I attached all the available code I have it for the camera. I would like to integrate the camera and DAQ code in one program which I can save one image during the scan.( During the scan I see several stripe of light in camera, I want to save all stripe in a single Image or capture all of them in one exposure time.) Any help or advise is appreciated. Please don't hesitate to ask me if you have further information. Thanks in advance. Camera.code.zip staircase.with.external.trigger.vi
  2. Previously I use LV8.2 with VDM8.2 and VAS2010, I can run and capture picture from this UC3010 (usb camera) but today I upgrade to windows 7 and use LV2010 (VDM2010 and VAS2011) but Labview cannot detect camera. it always have error code in the step to open camera. Anyone ever try this camera before and would appreciated if someone provide solution.
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