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Can't modify BaseAccessorScriptor?


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Recently I found myself making identical changes to all of my class accessor methods, so I modified the WriteTemplate.vit found in <LVx\resource\Framework\Providers\LVClassLibrary\NewAccessors\BaseAccessorScripter>. When I attempted to create an accessor method LV couldn't find WriteTemplate.vit, even though it was clearly searching in the correct folder. Even after selecting the correct file LV wouldn't create the accessor VI for me.

Any ideas?

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Did you modify the VI or did you overwrite the VI? If you modified the VI, it should work. If you overwrote the VI, the VI isn't going to think of itself as part of the library and thus will have the wrong qualified name and so when LV goes looking for a template by the fully qualified name, this one won't match. Is that possible?

The only other scenario I can think of is that the file on disk is from a future version of LV that the current version cannot load -- happens to me all the time. :-)

Other than those, your guess is as good as mine.

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