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Empty OpenG library (ogb_NI.llb)

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Hi all,

Moderate Labview user and occasional OpenG user. I just updated all my OpenG libraries for LV 8.6 and 2010 using the VIPM utility with no problems. When I opened a project in LV 8.6 however, I have lost an OpenG vi. (compatOverwrite__ogbex.vi) The expected location was in the ogb_NI.llb library located in C:\ \ \ \Labview 8.6\resource\OpenG\build\ogb_NI.llb

ogb_NI.llb appears to have no content at all (Is this normal?)

I have searched in all the OpenG library files to no avail so was hoping someone could help me figure out where this file is or what package I should install to get it. When I updated with VIPM, I did not uninstall anything so it should not have been taken away.

A search of callers shows only the NI vi, Write BMP File.vi which I find odd since NI vi's don't typically call on OpenG files. Just not sure what the corresponding NI funtion would be since I can't figure out what the compatOverwrite__ogbex.vi files is supposed to do.

I really don't need the Write BMP File.vi but it is in an NI library file and I don't want to delete it from there in case I ever do need to use it.

Any input is much appreciated.



After more investigation, I have corrected the issue though am still not sure why the problem presented itself in the first place.

The vi in question compatOverwrite__ogbex.vi appears to be an OpenG version of the NI vi compatOverwrite.vi which is used to confirm an overwrite option when saving files. The NI version is located in

C:\Program Files\National Instruments\LabVIEW 8.6\vi.lib\_oldvers\_oldvers.llb

assuming a typical install location. By replacing the missing OpenG version with the NI version, all my issues were solved though I still have no clue as to why the OpenG version inserted itself into the Write BMP File.vi in the first place.

Hope this may help somone at some point



Hey Doug,

Here's the scoop. When OpenG Builder is run for the first time, it "mass compiles" itself and does a little extra trick where it creates its own copy of some VI's that it calls, which are found inside vi.lib (it does this, so that it's VI hierarchy doesn't share any VIs with the end user's LabVIEW projects that OpenG Builder is building into EXEs or Source Distributions). So, you probably looked inside ogb_NI.llb and found nothing, because you hadn't run OpenG Builder yet (and it hadn't copied this file for itself, yet), and then you looked again after this had occurred and then you found the file.

Something to note: You should never directly call VIs that you find under the "<LabVIEW>\resource" unless you have a really good reason to do so, and really know what you're doing (since there are a ton of caveats -- if I sound emphatic, it's because it's an issue that's caused me some pain). Also, these VIs called by OpenG Builder are not intended to be called by end users -- those all get put under vi.lib or user.lib. These resource VIs are internal stuff that are called by OpenG Builder. And, if they disappear, please don't be surprised (since these are basically private functions, and might someday even be made private using LVLIBs so that users don't accidentally call them).

That said, if you see a VI you like, copy it into your project and use it :)

Hopefully, that clears things up and leaves you with fewer questions than you started with laugh.gif



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