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Acquiring data with DAS1600


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Hi Philippe,

The DAS1600 is a board from Measurement Computing (was once ComputerBoards). Go to their web-page (http://www.measurementcomputing.com) for drivers.

:thumbdown: Till one year ago (or so, when I last used such a board) there was a clue using the boards and driver in windows environment: When the driver was installed in a certain account (e.g. "Administrator" in Win) it didn't meant that it worked for other users on the same computer. One had to install the driver for each user (not easy if the user has not administrator rights)!

The actual driver seem to work with the LV built-in DAQ-vi's (not DAQmx). Install their "Universal Library for LabVIEW", insert the board in InstaCAL (has to be added and configured manually, since it's a ISA-board), wire your acquisition in LV with traditional DAQ-vi's.


Hi Didier !

thkx for answer. Is there a way to use the LV In Port VI and Out Port VI or

am I forced to use a driver ?



With LabVIEW, I have port programmed a CIO-DAS8 (ISA) and it is quite straightforward (set channel register, start acquisition, poll data ready, read data registers) for single point basic acquisition. Is the 1600 very different from the DAS8?

To use timers and interrupts for timed multichannel acquisition, I think you'll need the low level drivers.


Chronolgy is the same for DAS8 as I allready coded a direct access to the DAS1600 with Hyperkernel RealTime kernel (under WinNT). I guess that Computer Boards designed their boards using the same philosophy !


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