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Notifier Compatibility VIs Memory Leak

Jim Kring

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There is a nasty little bug in the Notifier compatibility VIs that causes a sever performance hit, and memory leak. This is caused by the caching of the notifier names and not ever flushing stale notifier references when they are destroyed. This bug exists in LV 6.1, 7.0, and 7.1.






If you are interested in obtaining this fix, I have created a patch which is packaged as an OpenG Package File. This can be downloaded using the OpenG Commander. Download the "ogpatch_notifier_bugfix" package. When installed this package will apply the patch, and when it is uninstalled it will restore the original (buggy) VI.


If you would like to discuss this package or the OpenG Commander, please use the OpenG Discussion and Support Forums.


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