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Who is presenting at NIWeek 2015?

Norm Kirchner

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Let's get a list of who's presenting what at NIWeek so that we don't have to rifle through the agenda to figure out whats actually worth going to!!!


I've got 2 on alliance day (Monday)

  • He Chose.....Wisely; Picking the right RF Software for your next RF Opportunity (2:30PM room 15)
  • You can pick your customers, You can pick your SpecAn, but you can't pick your customers SpecAn (3:30 room 15) [specAn is a spectrum analyzer fwiw]

For those of you a bit leery of an RF-centric presentation, consider that I usually hear this at least once after presenting;

"that was very entertaining...I'm not sure if I understood it all...but it was entertaining"


Looking forward to entertaining you all



The Captain Was Here....and will be there too.


aka Norm Kirchner

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Inspecting Your LabVIEW Code with the VI Analyzer - 3:30, room 17B



Augmenting Right-Click Menus in LabVIEW 2015 - 3:30, room 16B (co-presenting with Stephen Loftus-Mercer)

Inspecting Your LabVIEW Code with the VI Analyzer (encore) - 4:45, room 16B


The VI Analyzer presentation has already been recorded here, and all the demo/slide materials are currently posted here. So my feelings won't be hurt if y'all go see somebody else's presentation (like Norm's) and just watch my recording later. ;)

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