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loss of synchronization using notifier (LV 7.0)

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I'm using LV 7.0 and I have two while loops which I want to synchronize with a notifier. The first while loop (upper one in the pdf) reads out an digitizer card. This is code from the manufacturer of the digitizer card which I adapted to my needs. The second one reads out another device over a RS232 connection. An accidental event results in a spectrum on the digitizer card and not later than 200 ms to this event a corresponding information appears on the RS232 connection. This information is passed with a notifier to the digitizer loop so that both loops are synchronous. There the data is saved to a file. The program ist running fine for the first 100 to 300 events and after that the synchronization is lost and I get notifier timeouts. The information is read from the RS232 connection later than before. So I measured the delay between the digitzer and the RS232 connection with a scope and it is always less than 200 ms. Therefore it has to be a problem with my vi and not with the hardware. Is the usage of the notifier correct or do I have to generate and destroy the notifier inside the loop.

Can anyone help me with this problem?


Download File:post-5042-1147861217.pdf

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