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serial read


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hello to all labview masters...i have some question...

1. I'm using labview 7.1. I have a problem my serial communication to read data from hardware of microcontroller...so can u all or any volunteers give me some examples of serial read via VISA of hardware I/O....

2. and addition...now i want to know how to build a waveform or other parameters after we configure our serial communication.example...i'm using a micro C to program that measure voltage and current...and all this data will send to the pc using labview.... i think i can solve to create a serial read. and now the problem is i can't built a waveform to show the parametres from the micro c.it's because i don't know how to wired a waveform after finished set the serial read from my hardware.so, i hope u all who read this will help me how to interface the data from hardware and send to the pc and show a graph, waveform, string, and etc. and this is my example labview using labview 7.1...thank u..

Download File:post-7499-1168855069.vi


Hello takimidante,

They are very good examples in LabVIEW examples.Such as...

The Advanced Serial Read and Write example performs a Serial Port Read, a Serial Port Write, or a combination of these actions while setting some advanced serial features like buffer size, termination characters, and XON/XOFF flow control. The user selects the actions (read or write) on the front panel. If both are selected, the VI will write the data first, read the data and then close the VISA session that is opened to the port.

The Basic Serial Write and Read (2Port) example opens 2 VISA resources and configures one COM port to perform a write operation and the other COM port to perform a read operation. This VI will wait until the specified number of bytes (bytes to read) is received at the port. Only the number of bytes specified will be read.

I suggest you to go through it to get a basic idea.

How to build a waveform???

Using a Waveform Graph and a Bundle with three elements, you can create a graph with an offset and a set distance between points. All you will need is an array representing the Y values. On the bundle the first value is the offset, i.e. where to start; the second value is the "dx", i.e. the horizontal space between the points; and third your array.

All the best.


Karthik SP


thanks 4 ur answer....u help me alot...now my serial port can configure from hardware to labview...and now...how 2 build waveform...i think i can do it....b4 that can u give a example for reference...and how to wire up to serial read via visa after build array function to organize data and waveform for graphing purposes.i hope u reply soon....thank u...


Dear Karthik,

Thank U for ur help...u help me so much...you're superb mr karthik....and last i want ask u question...maybe last...be4 i'll do it by myself...i know it's to much of u...but...i want to know where can i download or else labview 8 or 8.2 device driver...my labview 8.2 not include this driver...thank u very much 4 ur co'operation...

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