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SE-Radio.net interviews Grady Booch - LabVIEW Mentioned

Jim Kring

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On my commute to work, this morning, I was doing what I often do... listening to the latest software engineering radio podcast. This time it was Episode 47: Interview Grady Booch (Booch of the Gang of Four, Design Patters book). First, I was tremendously impressed and excited by the fact that se-radio was interviewing Booch -- he's a real heavy hitter in the software engineering world. And then, I was blown away that Booch mentioned... LabVIEW as a domain specific programming language for instrumentation and electronics (despite the fact that I was just a bit little disappointed that he perceived LabVIEW as a DSL and not a "real" programming language)! Anyhow, it's really cool that LabVIEW (and graphical programming, in general) is starting to become more visible in the software engineering circles -- it's only a matter of time until we all program this way ;)

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