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State machine problems

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I have written some Verilog code for a watchdog timer, but on compliation all the states are synthesised away, so that when simulated it gets stuck in state 0 without doing any of the stuff in that state !

If anyone is willing to help here's the code :

//iPAM controller watchdog timer

//N Roberts


module iPAMWDT (iclock, sys_clk, error);

input iclock; //iPAM clock in 250Hz

input sys_clk; //System clock 50MHz

output error; //Status of iclock for

//reset module

reg error;

reg [2:0] state; //State variable

reg count; //Counter variable

always @ (posedge sys_clk)

case (state)

//Initialisation state

3'b000: begin

count = 10;

error = 1'b1;

state = 3'b001;


//State to check pulse width of

//high part of 'iclock'

3'b001: begin

state = 3'b001;

//Count decrement during

//high part of cycle

if (iclock & (count > 0))

count = count - 1;

//Check for low part of cycle

if ((!iclock) & (count > 0))


count = 10;

state = 3'b010;


//Check for timeout

if (count == 0)

state = 3'b100;


//State to check pulse width of

//low part of 'iclock'

3'b010: begin

state = 3'b010;

//Count decrement during

//low part of cycle

if ((!iclock) & (count > 0))

count = count - 1;

//Check for high part of cycle

if ((iclock) & (count > 0))


count = 10;

state = 3'b001;


//Check for timeout

if (count == 0)

state = 3'b100;


//Error state remains in this state

//until a reset occures

3'b100: begin

state = 3'b100;

error = 1'b0;

//stay here if an error




state = 3'b000;




Any suggestion greatfully received. I am using Quartus 5.0.

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