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"Basic Serial Write and Read.vi" puzzel

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I'm rather new to the LabView programming language and I'm trying to learn how to use LabView to send a string over RS232 (serial port). To start I took a look at Basic Serial Write and Read.vi to get a feel what's ahead but when I start the VI I always get the following message:

"Error - 1073807202 occurred at Property Node in VISA Configure Serial Port (Instr).vi->Basic Serial Write and Read. This error code is undefined. No one has provided a description for this code, or you might have wired a number that is not an error code to the error code input."

Similar message appears when I try to run any other example provided with my LabView concerning Serial VISA. My serial port is ok (checked with other programs). I'm using LabView 8.2 .

Dose anyone have an idea what could be wrong? (it is the original example from NI - I haven tampered with it in any way) Thanks in advance for your input.


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According to NI's Knowledgebase, you should try to re-install NI-VISA.

Funny, though,

When I run the error (General Error Handler.vi), I get back the following:

VISA: (Hex 0xBFFF009E) A code library required by VISA could not be located or loaded.

Getting an "Undefined" error code can be a pretty good indication that certain component (in this case, NI-VISA) drivers are not installed.

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My sympathies. Serial comm is not the most happy making way to get started with any programming language and LabVIEW is no exception, though it might be easier.

You may want to get or use a com terminal program like hyperterminal (comes with windows) or comDebug (freeware). You can send simple commands with a terminal program and prove out the com activity before getting LabVIEW involved.

I usually end up doing this when ever I have to work with a new piece of equipment and whatever protocol it uses.


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