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Could LabView add component at runtime?

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QUOTE (mamingcao @ Jul 24 2008, 03:08 AM)

My company are considering use LabView to do the GUI designed.

But could LabView add GUI component at runtime ? like a button or a indicator.

It hard to find Doc about this. Thanks!

It would be really difficult (if possible) and involves scripting, dinamic calling of VIs, etc. But maybe it's not necessary, if you just need indicators or buttons to appear in some cases, create them and make them visible / invisible / disabled depending on the case.




QUOTE (Aitor Solar @ Jul 24 2008, 02:50 PM)

It would be really difficult (if possible) and involves scripting, dinamic calling of VIs, etc. But maybe it's not necessary, if you just need indicators or buttons to appear in some cases, create them and make them visible / invisible / disabled depending on the case.



Thanks for you help. But may be there is hundreds of indicator......Could OOP help this? May be create some object?


I think it's better if you describe a detailed example. I'm sure there is a good way of handle it in LV without the necessity of creating new objects at run time, but it depends on what's your goal.




QUOTE (mamingcao @ Jul 24 2008, 05:42 AM)

If you are familiar with OOP concepts then http://forums.lavag.org/Q-Re-OOA-D-please-critique-structure-t11313.html&pid=48049#entry48049' target="_blank">this thread may be of interest to you.

In that thread I posted a "proof of concept" example that demonstrates that it is possible to make it look like you are adding controls and indicators to the FP at run-time. THat example also demostrates that the objects to be instanciated do NOT have to be known at development time.

Please note, that code is just a proof of concept. I have been working on a formal global solution that allows an un-specified number of picture controls be used in the application, and hope to complete it over the next month or two. (No I will not be posting the final results :rolleyes: .) The final version will differ greatly in structure since the calasses that realize the assorted objects will have to be implemented as active objects to support things like scrolling strings, blinking, etc.

Please keep us posted on what you really need and how you end up takling this challlenge.


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