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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/24/2017 in Posts

  1. We used to have a Toolkit that would allow a LabVIEW application to properly interact with the Service manager so it could itself behave like a real service. It consisted of a DLL part that does the real work of interfacing to the Service Control interface in ADVAPI32.DLL. This also involves callbacks so a DLL is really unavoidable here. I'll have to check about the status of this toolkit and if we can make it available to external parties. From what I remember it was a substantial development effort.
    1 point
  2. Have a skim through this thread, which discusses some of the quirks of type definition disconnection: https://forums.ni.com/t5/LabVIEW/Application-Builder-What-does-quot-disconnect-type-definitions/td-p/2992511
    1 point
  3. Glad that worked. And yeah, the sourcetree/git was only because its available even from a single machine without setting up a server. The other differences between git and svn aren't sufficient to get worked up over.
    1 point
  4. Smithd, you are my new Hero! Your insights were right on! As expected, debugging the EXE did not work because it was broken right from the start. The connection was occuring though but the exe only showed a broken arrow (That is usually hidden when my application runs normally) and nothing happened if I clicked on it. But still I was having a disconnection warning when closing the broken EXE... The solution came with your second suggestion. Adding a checkmark to "Disconnect type definitions" from the Additional Exclusions tab fixed the build. It makes sense to me because I remember I accidently saved a typedef double during my most recent modifications. I thought I had corrected myself and deleted the double from the disk and from the project but obviously something slipped through my fngers. I spent the rest of my day learning about Git, GitHub and SourceTree. I will probably stick to Subversion though. It's well overdue that I finally implement a source control solution in here! Problem solved. Thanks again!!
    1 point
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