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JKSH last won the day on December 22 2023

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    LabVIEW 2020
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  1. I sense a candidate for https://thedailywtf.com/
  2. What communication protocol(s) does your digital X-ray plate use to receive commands and transmit images?
  3. (Not to downplay the importance of standardization, but rather highlighting that it's hard. And as @VDB said the old ones will hang around for a lifetime)
  4. From a console, run ldd on libmain.so. Any missing dependencies?
  5. Your screenshot showed that it's a "USB-9215A" which, according to https://download.ni.com/support/manuals/371568e.pdf, is a USB-9162 + NI-9215 😀 There is the "Reset NI MAX database"... https://knowledge.ni.com/KnowledgeArticleDetails?id=kA00Z000000P8awSAC Beware, this completely wipes your hardware configuration (e.g. any custom Scales, or custom Channels under "Data Neighborhood") so you'll need to reconfigure them afterwards. I'm running out of ideas, I'm afraid. The only other things I can think of trying are: Try an older version of DAQmx (only possible if you're not using LabVIEW 2020), or contact NI tech support.
  6. Congrats! Fancy giving CBOR a go, if you're looking for something to do? It's designed to work well with CoAP. I'd imagine that the API can be modelled closely after Dr Powell's JSONtext.
  7. What happens when you click "Self-Test" instead of "Test Panels..."? Have a look at Windows Device Manager. Any error messages related to your chassis? If you still can't find any clues, contact NI tech support Anyway, I just realized that your 2 machines actually have different hardware. The one that's not working has a USB-9162, not a cDAQ-9171: https://download.ni.com/support/manuals/371568e.pdf
  8. Open "My System" > "Software" and compare the list for the 2 PCs. I suspect missing/outdated DAQmx drivers.
  9. I don't have experience with S7 myself, but have you seen this toolkit? https://www.ni.com/en-us/support/downloads/tools-network/download.sp7-toolkit-for-labview.html
  10. It's not clear to me whether the EMQX public broker supports v5 or not... https://www.emqx.com/en/mqtt/public-mqtt5-broker ...but their downloadable one does, apparently: https://www.emqx.com/en/try?product=broker
  11. The feed needs to contain a Packages.gz file (which is a gzip'ed copy of a Packages file) that describes the available packages. You can see a sample at http://download.ni.com/#ni-linux-rt/feeds/2022Q4/x64/main/x64/ You can use NI Package Manager to generate this for you! Put all your *.ipk files in a folder on Windows, then use Command Prompt/PowerShell to cd into that folder and call: "C:\Program Files\National Instruments\NI Package Manager\nipkg.exe" feed-create . I don't think you can just use a local folder as a feed -- AFAIK, opkg can only retrieve feeds from a web server: https://readthedocs.web.cern.ch/display/MTA/[NILRT]+How+to+create+a+local+feed+for+Linux+RT Here are my brief notes on how to install an *.ipk on a Linux RT system: https://jksh.github.io/LQ-Bindings/setup-nilrt.html (this page shows 3 ways: Adding a feed using NI MAX, adding a feed via an SSH console, or installing the *.ipk directly without a feed) Not if your package contains compiled code. Each package's control file (and their corresponding entry in the Packages file) must specify the supported Architecture (e.g. "x64"). opkg/NI MAX/SystemLink will only show the packages that are compatible with your device architecture. If the package is architecture-independent (e.g. if it installs TLS certificates or documentation), then you can specify "any" as the Architecture.
  12. This looks kind of similar to the bug that @Darren talks about in the video below (at 30:44). Try this: Disconnect your "CONSIGNES" terminal from the type def, delete the property node, re-connect the terminal to the type def, and then re-create the property node... does that help?
  13. No, each license is for a particular version of the LabVIEW FPGA module. So if you bought LabVIEW FPGA Module 2015, then you can't use it with LabVIEW 2016 or newer. "Perpetual" just means you can keep using that version forever. NI no longer officially sells perpetual licenses. They are now using the subscription model from this year onward: See also https://forums.ni.com/t5/LabVIEW/LabVIEW-subscription-model-for-2022/td-p/4204448 (some people said how they still managed to get a copy of a perpetual license, but it took some arm-twisting)
  14. ...then you won't be able to develop software for the cRIO 9035 😞 Start talking to your supervisor and checking your LabVIEW modules. You can't do your project without the Real-Time Module. You did say before they had "an NI Developer suite license"? The Real-Time module should be part of the Developer Suite. No, it's not RT-only. In your Block Diagram pallette, look for Data Communication > Current Value Table. You should also find the files in C:\Program Files (x86)\National Instruments\LabVIEW 20xx\vi.lib\NI\Current Value Table<vi.lib\NI\Current Value Table
  15. Perhaps @X___ is pointing to the timestamps of the latest forum posts?
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