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Götz Becker

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Everything posted by Götz Becker

  1. While trying to find out why one of my FGPA-VI wont rebuilt anymore (I havent touched the code... it just broke ) I found some evil looking SubVI connection panels in the FPGA part of the vi.lib. Looks like a quick and dirty "Create subvi from selection". The main thing i dont understand... if i have the time to create a custom icon, it just dont makes any sense not to clean up the connection panel!?! :headbang:
  2. I am developing a reporting application myself atm. Basically i am concatenating strings with LaTeX source code together (e.g. for a standard information header and a table for the different testresults). Main disadvantage is, that i have to create several files in a temporary folder and run the LaTeX program via system exec. But the resulting PDF file is just very nice, including pagenumbers (which was the main reason why I dropped the idea of using HTML for reports). Inclusion of a FP-object is planned in the near future, which is basically writing the FP-picture to a temp-file and inserting the right commands in the LaTeX source-string. Scaling of the graphic is then done by LaTeX. Until now I am very pleased with the LV-LaTeX combo. Perhaps i
  3. One thing you could try is using the mysql command-line client in batch mode by calling it with the System exec.vi. I don
  4. Thx for that information! I already gave up hope to ever fix a bug in my current app. Good thing I already had all my queue accesses wrapped in subvis . But I have seen this bug in my standalone version too! Greetings Goetz
  5. Looks like my problem is similar to this: http://digital.ni.com/public.nsf/websearch...6256F4D00189B26 Not a "solution" I am happy with, but at least some info on the topic.
  6. Hi, I just started my first testproject with the FPGA Modul 1.1. I made 2 loops which should transfer data using 2 FIFOs. But I just can
  7. Thx for all your replies. Next time I have the option, I
  8. I am currently learning LV and therefore I try to understand every VI I can get my hands on. After reading some code style guidelines, I try to focus more on style. With this in mind I look at all the sample code I downloaded from all over the web. The attached picture shows an example of how weird some VI sometimes look if opened in the german version of LV. Probably this VI looks much better in the english version (e.g. no overlaped subvis). How badly can this affect portability and reuseability of LV code between different languages versions of LV? Any experiences? Or is it minor enough to forget about it? Greets GB
  9. Yes I tried with full and sparse data, every time the same. Don
  10. Yeah that worked! Thanks! But i dont understand why this makes any difference. Greets Goetz
  11. Hi all, i am relativly new to LabView. I am working on an editor for digital data. To display my data i use a Digital Waveform Graph. To do the editing i am using the cursorpos i read out of the property node. But when I try to set the cursorpos either by typing in a numerical value in the cursorpalette or programatically by writing to the property node, I end up with wrong values!?! For example, the graph diplays data from 0 to 10000, I type 487 for X-cursorpos and LabView alters my input to 480 and places the cursor at 480. I tried some values [typed-input -> altered to] 487 -> 480 488 -> 495 500 -> 495 502 -> 495 503 -> 510 518 -> 525 Is this the normal behaviour? Greetings Goetz Becker
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