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    Norway, Sandefjord

LabVIEW Information

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    LabVIEW 2020
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  1. Hi, Have anyone used mDNS or ZeroConf in labview ?? We have an ethernet device that have a IP address inside a rang 192.168.10.(0-200). Up to now we have turned on one, waited the boot time, and they started to ping address 0 and up to 200. This takes a lot of time, and it working in 80 % of the cases. Windows will not allow me to send ping more that 1/sec. So searching for one UUT can take up to 200 Sec We know that the UUT have a mDNS service included. But I have not any experience on how this can be used. I hope someone can guide me in the right direction Thanx Clio
  2. Fiber i KODAL ?? HELT Utrolig. (Trodde aldri jeg skulle si dette) Heia Telenor :-DDD

  3. Lurer på hvor stiv jeg er i morgen :o

  4. Vært i et området uten dekning i dag. ;)Legg igjen svar etter pipetonen ;P

  5. Utsatt for mordforsøk i dag.

  6. Legevakta er gøy :$

  7. Da døde pcen. Må være altinn sin skyld. Skulle sjekke selvangivelsen.

  8. Da er det sykkeltrening ;)

  9. Fint med flexsoble tannleger. Men hadde vært greit at de avtalt ny time med meg da. Ikke en som lå å sov et sted i landet

    1. jcarmody


      You missed the 'home' keys on your keyboard. :D

  10. Me to is missing the LV2010
  11. The date thins is different in US and EU. Therefore we always use YYYY.MM.DD in our company.
  12. Thank you, Downloading as we speak (or write)
  13. Happy burthday
  14. YES, Google decide what will be there.
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