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Roger_1 last won the day on January 4 2012

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    LabVIEW 2018
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  1. Run the executable as Administrator in Win7 to allow it to modify files in the "Program Files" folder. Create a shortcut to the executable and select properties. Select the "Advanced" button. Check the "Run as administrator" box.
  2. I had this problem with Win7 but fixed it by unlocking the folder in the project "Build Specifications". Under "Source File Settings", select your destination folder below the "Program Files" folder and set the "File and Folder Attributes" to "[x] Unlock".
  3. Tried searching for "IPB" on the iPhone App Store but couldn't find it.
  4. Thanks Phillip. I can now use Access 2007 database files from LabVIEW instead of the Access 2000 file format I've been using by switching "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0" to "Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0".
  5. I had trouble getting the example to connect to the web browser using http://localhost:8080/Add2Numbers/index.html It worked when I used the computers full URL such as : http://<mycomputerURLhere>.com:8080/Add2Numbers/index.html
  6. NI TestStand 2010 was Released Today (432MB). http://digital.ni.co...=node=203014_us
  7. You need to have separate loops for WSS-RPM and ACC in FDAQRT.vi
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