I am fairly new to Labview and am in trouble with the attached vi. The purpose of the vi (part of a larger scheme)
is to let the user measure a series of chemical standards, and then derive a calibration equation from the data. The user
would enter data in a table, edit the data and then store in a file.
The problems I am aware of (and I imagine forum members can find plenty of others) are:
- Write to Text File: data is correctly written to the file when LV is first started and the vi run, but even this is not
consistent. Sometimes the file remains blank. Having run the vi once, on later runs the file is not cleared
and new data has not been able to be subsequently written to the file, even though the new data and the
path are present at 'Write to Text File' on each occassion.
- Run time shortcut menu: a custom menu for the table, made up from application items, has been saved as a file
in the same directory as the vi. When running, the menu appears, but no action occurs when a menu item
is selected. I had assumed that no further code was required. If code is necessary I would appreciate
some help in getting started.
Any advice would be very much appreciated.
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