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Bob Y.

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Everything posted by Bob Y.

  1. Update: I tried this in LabVIEW 7.1 and it works as described. In LabVIEW 8.0, the Advanced menu pull-right is disabled. If you placed one in LabVIEW 7.1 and open the VI in 8.0, it is still "stuck", but you can't "stick" a new one. Bob Young
  2. I agree! I already spoke to my local rep to ask if that was really the case and he has not gotten back to me. Maybe they are working with Microsoft to get the embedded tools included in the Visual Studio Express (free) package. That is not the way it works right now, that is my hope. In the mean time, there is a 90 day trial for Visual Studio 5.0 Standard and I will be using that until the middle of June . I am also a bit ticked that after you spend extra for the ability to program for the PDA, you also have to pay licensing. This can be quite expensive per PDA for smaller customers. I would like to see the licensing portion removed (even if it required charging more for the PDA development toolkit). All in all it is like they would really rather us not bother with PDAs! Be sure and send your complaints to NI through all the channels available! Bob Young
  3. There are some helper functions in LabVIEW that are not (but should be) on the palette. Jeff, if you are still reading this thread, you might want to re-address this in the LabVIEW group. I know that they did not fit well with the desires for the Express palette and therefore were not included there, but they should be included somewhere in the palettes (especially since the restructuring). LabVIEW/vi.lib/express/express shared/transtion.llb has several VIs that are used in the Express VIs to manipulate the DDT attributes. Give the VIs in this llb a shot. Hope that this helps, Bob Young
  4. Interesting. I would say maybe. It depends. Sort of. You can use the same Front Panel in many VIs if you use it as a sub-panel. You can also now create X-controls and they can be used to create one UI that can be called by many different panels. Another thing you could do is have a UI VI that is called and transfers data to a launching VI (like a dialog that is called in many places or the configuration VIs for the Express VIs). I am not sure just what you are trying to do, so I thought I would just throw a few things out there. Give some more details and we can help you narrow it down. Hope that this helped, Bob Y.
  5. In LabVIEW 8.0, if you have the diagram grid turned on and have Enable Diagram Grid Alignment selected there are some problems with the timed structures. The timed loop can be created, but none of the parameters can be wired. It breaks the VI (not the connecting wire). In confirming this, Ed Dickens found that it is also the case with the timed sequence. If a parameter is wired when the grid alignment is off, it works fine and can be used with the grid alignment. So, the work-around is to just disable the diagram grid alignment when you wire one up. Bob Young
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