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Justin Reina

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Justin Reina last won the day on October 4 2009

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    Seattle, WA

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    LabVIEW 2010
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Newbie (1/14)



  1. This would be a great fix!
  2. Justin Reina


    *oops this is a really old post...<br>
  3. Hey guys, wow, dumb question it appears! Thanks again for the help!! -Justin
  4. Hi all, Is there a way to determine the call stack in LabVIEW, I can't seem to find discussion of it anywhere. My goal is for a subVI to know the name of his calling VI. I do know that you can access "Callers", but that doesn't tell me who specifically called the subVI. Thanks! -Justin Reina
  5. Would it be useful if I generated a LabVIEW-only AES128/256 solution? I am thinking of making it one of the 'student challenges' next quarter; see what they come up with. -Justin
  6. Hi bmoyer, The LabVIEW FPGA code is not directly portable to a PC target, but somewhat close. I considered porting that over, but I wanted to use an example where I didn't have to write my own AES-128. Thanks, -Justin
  7. Hello all, I needed an AES-128 block encryption module in a LabVIEW script at work, and couldn't find anything simple. .NET 4.0 has a AES library which might have been easy, but it appears LV2010 doesn't support 4.0. I chose to implement AES-128 through a php script. Here is the example and example video I've prepared for students in my LabVIEW class (SeattleTM): AES128 Solution for LabVIEW: http://www.seattletm...?startOn=extras (goto AES128 PHP Video/Code') Was there an easier way to do this? Also, if you have the time to give a litte feedback on the video/code presentation it would be much appreciated! Thanks, Justin Reina
  8. Hello, We are developing a LabVIEW training site seattletm.com. We want to have link to the LAVA forum; are we allowed to use your icon? Image in question :http://lavag.org/public/style_images/4_logo.png thanks! -Justin Reina Seattle T&M
  9. Hello, Is this something we are allowed to give out? -Justin
  10. Yes indeed! My docs were repaginating after every picture insert, and after 100 pages or the system absolutely came to its knees (Word). -Justin
  11. You can certainly script your Macros with the ActiveX connection. This is a really efficient method to get up to speed on the word object model. I found it really hard though to get control of formatting and such however. But most of my functionality started with tinkering with the macros. -Justin
  12. Hey Brad, I did this last summer for an RF lab. I rendered many graphs and tables into exactly the document you are referring to. However they wont let me release my work (even though no one uses it anymore... go figure). So here are the steps I took to getting along on this. (1) Learn Word VBA and the Word Object Model <- Its super weird at first *Here's a good book: http://oreilly.com/catalog/9781565927254/ (2) Get comfortable with ActiveX connections in LabVIEW. MS Word should already be visible on your machine. (3) Program away! Its strictly a matter of how well you understand the word object model. If you are comfortable with the LabVIEW environment and can pick up the Word Object model in a week or so, I estimate you can achieve your objectives within 1-3 weeks. While the learning curve for this is steep; it is only so for like 20 minutes . Very easy after that. I can post a 'hello world' example if you would like.If you have any more questions let me know. Best of Luck, Justin Reina *And if you can afford the NI Office Toolkit, this is exactly what they did...
  13. no aim, sorry . gmail chat though. shoot! i said PD0 but I meant PD1 (PD1 is the TX0 line). my bad on that one, typed it up too quick. is there an output on TX0 as seen with an oscope? -Justin gmail chat: justinmreina@gmail.com
  14. hey Jim, You shouldn't have to do any wiring, or so I thought... Are the Rx and Tx pins on the RS232 chip connected to anything on your Atmega chip? -Justin
  15. Hey Jim, So you confirmed a digital signal generated on PD0? Also quick side note, always talk about software/hardware and/or any equipment/tools as such, as a tool. 'labview' didn't set your serial port to 9600 . Best of Luck -Justin
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