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Justin Reina

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Everything posted by Justin Reina

  1. Hello syah, Which kind of help do you require? -Justin
  2. What specifically happens when you plug in the card? Is it recognized by Windows correctly, and also by MAX? -Justin
  3. Hello Durden, I have minimal experience with MAX, but which device is listed under the PXI2Slot2 in your MAX session? Could it be your 6070e perhaps? If it was, this would make things easy If not, what interface is the 6070e listed under? Best of Luck -Justin
  4. Hello star, So are you saying the 'Write File Y.vi' or 'Write File X.vi' hangs? If so, where does it hang? To troubleshoot this, in a 'hung' piece of code, put the 'highlight execution' tool on. A green arrow will be over the 'vi' that is hung. Could you try this, and provide a little more detail with regards to your request? Best of Luck, Justin
  5. Servo takes a little more effort to run smooth. I have had success with the printer port on my computer (but it wasn't super smooth). That being said, that Sparkfun platform is more than enough to do what you need (but you'll need an H-Bridge) if you're willing to modify the code (an EE student over there could help you). -Justin *A reasonable prebuilt servo driver is here http://www.hobbycnc.com/products/hobbycnc-...ver-board-kits/ could you use one of these on one of the extra PWM channels? http://www.servocity.com/html/hs-5084mg_servo.html -Justin
  6. Holy crap, Rad project...! Maybe when those parts arrive, would you mind posting a semi-detailed circuit diagram and/or hardware diagram of your setup? Sounds like you got some serious stuff, just wanna make sure everything is kosher -Justin
  7. no one chip will be enough. the second is in case you blow up the first one (the rule of two) -Justin *Heres the LabVIEW for my app. its not done though main file is 'PWM interface'
  8. oops i didn't post the links... I thought I had. (1)$35 Programmer http://search.digikey.com/scripts/DkSearch...me=ATAVRISP2-ND (2)$18 ATMEGA 324P http://search.digikey.com/scripts/DkSearch...EGA324P-20PU-ND (3)$16 Board http://www.sparkfun.com/commerce/product_i...?products_id=31 The board is cool cause it dramatically reduces the wiring stuff you'll have to do. -Justin *For my app, i need a port of Dig outputs, two SE ADCs and one diff ADC, so you'll get a little extra I attached a draft of my IO. oops get one programmer, '2' chips and '1' board
  9. Ok cool. So you just need four high-impedance 0-5V PWM signals, correct? Just wanted to make sure. -Justin
  10. Hey, Which kind of motor will you be using? Could you post a link? -Justin
  11. Hey All, Been following this thread, and had a few ideas for code org. However they contribute 'nada' to the task at hand, but maybe they may be of interest. Also, what hardware are you using? Best of Luck, Justin
  12. Hey LSUGrad85, I think there were a bunch of subVIs and controls that the posted file needs. Could you post those also? -Justin
  13. Here ya go: By the way, What kind of course is this for? High school? College? also I think I found what you mean by 'USB-DAQ'. Are you referring to NI-DAQ? See the link. http://joule.ni.com/nidu/cds/view/p/id/825/lang/en I didn't know about this stuff until just now. If that's your drivers you need to use, best of luck with them. -Justin
  14. Try this. -Justin
  15. Hello Jim, You would order: (1-3)$5-15 Atmel Atmega 644P *You could pick any uC, but I am personally most familiar with this one (1) $35 Atmel mkII ISP *This is a USB device that programs the chip (1) $8 RS-232 Level Shifter (small kit) (1) $1 Crystal (16MHz) (1) $5-25 Misc Electronic stuff First though as I forgot to ask, whats your electronics background? Do you have experience hooking up simple electronic circuits? Are you comfortable wiring this guy up? Finally in response to your question, you would send 'messages' from LabVIEW through your serial port with VISA. The controller would receive and decode these, and set the PWM accordingly. This eliminates the need for any DAQ, and is much faster and more reliable. -Justin *If your curious, I will be developing similar code (exactly similar) for a project coming in about two weeks. Figured if it helped you, I could just develop it now. Wont take more than an hour to write and debug.
  16. Hello mross, My intent was to elicit some consideration towards etiquette. I apologize if it came off with the wrong tone. I am also a student well along the academic path, and my initial reaction was to compare his situation to my own. There have been many instances where I needed to learn something quick, but didn't have the resources/time to complete it. My apologies again for any offense taken. That being said, I do not feel it to be a throwaway comment, nor unfair. Perhaps 'slacking' was not the correct vocabulary. -Justin Hello Zest, I only browsed quickly, and missed your post about capturing the signal too. Is this still something you have need for? Also, what exactly are you referring to with USB-DAQ? I am familiar with DAQmx, but not DAQ. My previous post was using DAQmx, perhaps this post was incorrect Best of Luck, -Justin
  17. Hell Jim, The controller has a CPU, oscillator, serial port and six PWM channels onboard. It comes in a DIP package (google '40-DIP'). We need to use an external crystal (or at least we are always told to) to make the serial port timing stable (~$1). Here is a screen-shot of some useable code for you. If you are interested in this route let me know. Other than shipping from Digikey, it should take less than a few hours to get your chip working from install to usage. Atmel is great for such tasks. -Justin
  18. Hello jzoller, Are you requesting a domain name for your published VI? -Justin
  19. Hello Zest, Here is a simple example. There are more efficient and proper ways to do such a task, but I think this fits your situation. That being said: Slacking is a fact of academic life. However please try to mask it with a little more grace next time. Your post discredits both your reputation and your abilities. Best of Luck, Justin
  20. Good call on the simulated daqmx tasks. Also look at the TCP/IP and UDP examples in the NI ExampleFinder. Those can provide hours upon hours of fun and amusement . -Jusitn
  21. Hello jmt6009. Do you have access to a co-worker or friend who knows a little bit about micro-controllers? It would be a simple exercise to produce one that talked to a PC via serial, and outputted 4 stable PWM signals. A uC is ~$5 each, and a programmer can be around $30. If this is an idea you are interested in this but don't have access to a friend/co-worker, the code is super easy to digest, and pretty simple. If it comes down to it I can provide the code (I just need to re-hash some current code I have for 8-Bit Atmel). This would be a low-latency, low-cost, high-reliability, one-chip solution. Not as intimidating as it sounds, literally only requires one chip ($5), one programmer ($30) and one Serial level-shifter (~$5). Let me know how progress goes. Best of Luck, Justin *There maybe a chip out there that already does it. Or at least there should be. Never found one though.
  22. Hello Norm, Correct me if I am wrong, but if the manufacturer provided access to the WLAN chipset, and if some lucky soul obtained this information, then could it be possible to achieve this objective? What I was trying to get at is the basic layout of a commercial wifi card (my guess as to flarn2006's weapon of choice): Step One: -A wifi card has a crap-ton of way cool hardware on it. But the deal is, your wifi-card manufacturer didn't design all of it. -One of these components is the WLAN (i.e. wifi) chipset. This is the HW that 'listens' and 'talks' into the RF domain (i.e. 'air'). Pretty proprietrary stuff here, these guys are greedy and don't share info on their chip unless you pay, like your wifi card guys did. Step Two: -Your wifi-card guys used their own hardware to control the WLAN chipset using that proprietary IO info that they bought. But chances are they didn't provide this 'access' at the outermost layer (the layer you have access to). -In fact almost assuredly they didn't because the stuff is proprietrary, and again they are greedy (Broadcom?? ) Step Three: -There may be some gem out there, but maybe steer towards some other ideas -A Packet sniffer: http://www.cacetech.com/products/airpcap_family.htm *Coolest stuff ever. Take a look into 'Wireshark' http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wireshark -Software Defined Radios (SDR): http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Software-defined_radio *Cool FPGA implementation: http://instruct1.cit.cornell.edu/courses/e...ftwareRadio.pdf Last Note: -Would you guess most guys building wireless devices hate paying for the proprietary, shrouded WLAN chipsets? SDR is becoming quite a prospect and is definetly worth checking out. Best of Luck, Justin *flarn2006: From the look of your posts you seem pretty young and pretty curious. What point of school are you at? Keep up the curiosity. *all: Please correct any mistakes I may have made in this post. I didn't confirm all facts, but am pretty confident in their validity.
  23. Helo flarn, You can control any USB device with VISA (http://zone.ni.com/devzone/cda/tut/p/id/4478). Works the same as any other programming environment. -Justin oops posted too early ... If you take a look at the link, it is equivalent to any other bus IO in LabVIEW. Why do you want to take a trial of USB IO in LabVIEW? Seems like a lot of effort. Also, what kind of devices are you ultimately trying to interface, custom devices or commercial devices (i.e. a uC or a webcam)? Best of luck, -Justin
  24. Hello flarn, (1) What wifi card do you have? (2) What is your ultimate objective? (i.e. WLAN hacking, etc..) -Justin
  25. Hey Jg69, (1) Maybe try a PWM IC. Here is an example http://www.microsemi.com/datasheets/UC184xA.pdf. I didn't look through this one though, not sure if it is the right match for you. Just an example you could control with your 6008/9 Analog Output. (2) Use the COM or printer ports for your digital PWM signal. I'm pretty sure you'll have less latency, but if I remember correctly you still get 1-5ms of jitter. Worth a try though (look up the printer port example in the ExampleFinder). Best of luck, Justin Reina
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