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Jon Sjöstedt

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Everything posted by Jon Sjöstedt

  1. Hello all! The attached code does not work (my hardware is a USB6341). For some reason the task does not accept new samples when the second loop is run and the "wait until done" in the second loop causes a "buffer underrun" error -200621. Any ideas? Buffered DO task run multiple times.vi
  2. Hello! Thanks for the examples-tip. I have gone through a large set of DAQmx-examples and now I have a much better idea on how to aproach my problem. New question is (the initial problem is altered a bit to simplify the requirements for the IO-box): I want to create a task that is triggered by /dev/do/StartTrigger, but I cant see how to select which internal terminal to connect with the do/StartTrigger. MAX contains a map on which connections are possible, but I cant see how to use that to configure a connection or how to do it in LabVIEW. I want to do it in LabVIEW.Any ideas?
  3. Hello! I need to create a pattern that is made up from four digital outputs which are pulsed at well defined timeings. I have borrowed a NI USB 6341 and done some tests. Unfortunately the documentation is very poor, and leavs most real technical questions unanswered. I would like to create something like this: * Ctr0-Ctr2 are driven by 100MHz timebase * Configure Ctr0-Ctr2 to generate a trig-start for port0.0-port0.2 after different delays * Output data at port0.0-port0.2 when Ctr0-Ctr2 trigs them * Output from port0.0-port0.2 are made up from two samples (HL) and timed by something else than the 100MHz timebase Is that possible? I use LV2010 on Windows If there exists a real technical reference for the USB 6341 that someone can point out, I would like to read it. 370784c.pdf is the best i've got so far and it is in no way complete IMO.
  4. Hello all! I have just started experementing with VISA Events. I have previously done a lot of VISA polled stuff. I have supplied a simple example that can be used to demonstrate that STB is not updated with the expected value until a coresponding event is read off of the event queue. For those who dont have lv2010 the code does this: * Setup a VISA session for handling the SRQ-event * Issue *CLS *ESE 61 and *SRE 52 *Issue '*IDN?;*OPC' While loop until an error occur: *Wait for event *Close event if no error occoured *Read stb When executed withput delays, two events are produced, one for MAV set and one for OPC set This makes sense. But if delays are introduced, for example by placing a breakpont before reading the first event, I would expect STB to have both MAV and OPC set, but this is not the case; only one of them are raised (usually MAV). This does not make sense to me. What makes STB return a value that seems to match what the latest event produced, rather than what could be expected to be in the instrument? Any ideas appreciated! VISA-Event test-monitor events flow.vi
  5. Hello all! During a measurement with the same set of calls over and over again I eventually get the error -1073807239. According to google, this seems to be an unusual error. The equipment involved is: A SUN workstation with "SunOS a5.9 Generic_122300-44 sun4u sparc SUNW,A70", lv 7.1.1 and an Anritsu MS2691A The repeated command sequence is : INIT:IMM;*OPC FETC:CHP? The calls also sometimes experience -1073807339 errors, tbut they are resolved by repeating the failed command Any ideas?
  6. Problem solved: This error was caused by sending any unrecognized command to the device. Funny implementation...
  7. The error comes from VISARead (not STB or something else that one could expect to be involved) TCPIP:: The instrument answers fine on ping All other visa calls works
  8. Hello all! I keep getting the -1073807344 error from VISA when trying to do VISA read from a piece of hardware (defined as "piece of hardware", since it is designed in-house and I cant get much info on what it is, execpt for 2-3 documented SCPI commands) VISA write is no problem. Any input appreciated!
  9. Thanks for all help! I will try the NI-forum
  10. Hello! Here is some possibly useful data: Loaded modules lsmod | grep -i ninipalk 1843664 2nikal 91592 3 nipalkusbcore 150312 5 nikal,usbhid,uhci_hcd,ehci_hcd Labview crashes when executing "VISA Find Resource" linux-rrel:~ # /usr/local/natinst/LabVIEW-2009/labview &[1] 5787linux-rrel:~ # FATAL: Module gpibprtk not found.[1]+ Aborted /usr/local/natinst/LabVIEW-2009/labviewlinux-rrel:~ # Interactive GPIB tool crashes the same way (on startup): linux-rrel:~ # /usr/local/natinst/ni4882/bin/gpibintctrlFATAL: Module gpibprtk not found.Abortedlinux-rrel:~ # I have attached the simple code that crashes LabVIEW. It is saved in lv2009 format Hope this helps. And thanks so far VISA_Find.vi
  11. The NIKAL NIPAL are both loaded (seen using lsmod) and LV itself works fine. I have tried updateNIDrivers and installing the drivers supplied with the GPIB-PCI bridge without success.
  12. Hello all! I have just installed lv2009 on SLED 10 SP2. Pure lv works fine, but "VISA find" on GPIB0 (which mapps to an internal GPIB-PCI bridge) crashes lv and returns something like "gpibprtk" module missing. The same happens if I try to run "interactive" from gpibexplorer. I can not find anything in the local file tree that seems to be a loadable module named gpibprtk. Any ideas or suggestions on this appreciated!
  13. Guess I have to seek other solutions. Default values or adding a boolean.Hmm... Thanks anyway!
  14. Hello all! How can I (programatically) detect if a terminal of a VI is wired (inside that VI with the possibly unwired terminal)? Comparing with a default value is not an acceptable soulution. I started thinking property node but got stuck there.
  15. Hello all! It feels silly to ask, but how can I remove a file from an llb in lv7.1?
  16. shoneill: You're pretty close to the problem that i am thinking of. Your solution work for queries with short data lengths. Problem arises if, for example, a large signal analyser sweep is fetched. Ofcourse one could still set read count to "integer maximum", but the solution is ugly and smells brute force problem solving style. To me the ultimate solution would be to read STB over and over again and check the MAV-bit and read more data from the output buffer when MAV is still high. This does not work properly (probably due to problems reading STB and nothing else). Guess this post doesnt add much...
  17. I am afraid that it does not work for GPIB (or in a general case). I am currently using the SRQ-event to wait for STB
  18. Hello all! I am using VISA to communicate with instruments. I read the response from a query (say *IDN?) using VISA Read. Lets say that the response is (for no particular reason) larger than some read byte count that I specify (Say 5). To read the whole result, I do "VISA Read" many times. Is there a way to know when the complete buffer is read without waiting for a read time out? (Comparing "byte count" and "return count" wont do it. Every time the instruments bufferd data size is equal to my static read count, I would think that there is still more data to read, and I would still have to handle a timeout error) Any ideas?
  19. They are not changing names or IP:s, but they move around in the organisation (depending on what instrument stack you need at the moment). As long as I thought that the resource was accessible by IP/DNS directly, I expected eiter: extra load on users to define this resource every time they first have to use it OR extra development effort to automatically generate a working ini-file. Since someone already has done the work of defining all the Ethernet-GPIB bridges, it is not a problem any more. Thanks anyway for all help. Sorry for the late reply.
  20. I just got information that the lv 7.1 system at my site really has a file with every GIPB-Ethernet bridge within the organisation defined, so that all bridges can be used directly without extra configuration necessary. All resource names has a matching DNS. This is what tricked me. FYI, there are well over 100 bridges here!
  21. I've got a message form NI Sweden that says that it cant be done without using either gpibexporer or edit the file. :thumbdown:
  22. Clarification attempt: The problem is that every time a GPIB-Ethernet bridge gets a new IP and/or DNS this must also be updated in the configuration file. In this specific case, this process must necessarily be automated, which will require extra development efforts. It will also complicate a process of moving from lv7.1 to lv8.2. The problem is thus: using gpibexplorer to configure resources (manually) results in an unacceptable reduction of the level of automation. Implementing automatic generation of configuration files is hopefully (unless the configuration file is loaded/read when lv is started) a solution, but I was hoping that there were some easier way, like the way it was done in lv7.1. I hope this clarify what I am after
  23. I use this format <dns-name of Ethernet-GPIB device>::<GPIB-address of instrument>::INSTR when I get the error. In my case: GPIB97::17::INSTR. This format has been used with lv7.1.1 and visa 3.0 under solaris. I have made it work by defining my GPIB-ethernet bridge in gpib.ini (using gpibexplorer). I would like something similar (not having to define resources in some ini-file) so that I dont have to configure some "resource" to point at my DNS or IP and then use that resource name in turn to open a VISA session to my instrument. Is this possible?
  24. Some progress on this matter: visaconf seems to require root-access to work properly. Anyone with similar experiencies? The Error -1073807202 is now resolved. The solution was to install ni488225L. This package contains support for Ethernet-GPIB bridges that I use. Unfortenately, it gave me a new error: -1073807195. The explaination of this error seems like something more trivial: "VISA: (Hex 0xBFFF00A5) The interface type is valid, but the specified interface number is not configured." Any ideas on this new issue?
  25. Thanks! Feels good safe enough...
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