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Everything posted by hmqi

  1. Thank Jim! It's ok after I added "SuperPrivateScriptingFeatureVisible=True" and "SuperSecretPrivateSpecialStuff=True" in LabVIEW.ini.
  2. It's great! But could you tell me how to create the "GetPropertyCallData" icon in LabVIEW 7.1? Thank you very much!
  3. I Saved my measuring data to TDM files in LabVIEW7.1. Now I want to specify the sensor name to a certain channel. I called "Functions>>File I/O>>Storage>>Advanced Storage>>Set Property.vi", and set "property name" parameter to "sensor". When running it, a error occured. Its error code is -2563, and its description is "This property does not exist". Can I add new custom properties to a channel or a channel group for the TDM file in LabVIEW7.1?
  4. Thank you very much! It's a great topic!
  5. Do you have the ppt file about his topic?
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