QUOTE ( @ Mar 21 2008, 12:55 PM)
And it isn't in LabVIEW either until you make it not maximized.
That's what I thought too, until No.1 posted his problem. I converted his .bmp file to LV code (using v8.2, PC) and found that as long as the Resizable property is set to False, the maximized window can be moved**. It doesn't really even appear to be maximized because the thin border is still displayed all around, and when the program is stopped, the title bar symbol (whatever it is called) indicates not-maximized. This appears to be more of a "FP.SizeToScreen" mode as in v6.
When Resizable is set to True, maximize works as expected**.
**except sometimes the first time it is run after changing Resizeable from T to F or from F to T!
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