QUOTE(Val Brown @ Oct 16 2007, 05:56 PM)
The thing about "free" is it works. If you want to become mainstream, that is the fastest and sure way to do it. The issue is "If you want to become mainstream".
Here are few classic cases of how free has proven itself.
1. IE Vs Netscape (IE is the most used Browser today)
2. Firefox Vs IE ( Firefox has mad great inroads against IE)
3. Microchip Vs Motorola - Among other factors, Microchip makes their IDE available free and Compiler is also free albeit without any optimization. You pay $500 for that. But for students, startups and hobbyists, it is most welcome and 10 years later Microchip PIC is the processor most used in world today. Mototorla, TI have caught on make their IDE free with some limits on code size.
4. Cell Phones. The market realy exploded when the cell phone was free with an year long contract. Before it was languishing. In south-east Asia to lure customers, they have incoming calls free!!
5. Email - Same thing
6. Java - the free thing helped it.
I believe in few years you will see
Free Phone service - If you buy Data & Video, Voce is the minimal user of Bandwidth. It is in place with VOIP. But needs some maturity. IPTV will bring it more mainstream.
So For Labview. If a version is available, where you can run a samll program (Say 50 Subvi's of some Size), It would now start getting mainstream. People would download it and use it. If someone decides to make a product or use it in a system they will then have to buy it. The whole point of intorducing activation since 8.0 is that. Except dont cripple it after 30 days. Make sure they can use it in some limited way.
I would like to see LabView go mainstream and there is no better way to do it then indoctrinate the masses. As churchill said "Nothing Succeeds like Excess"