This is a cross-posting from the Bay Area LabVIEW User Group Community Forum :
To all Bay Area LabVIEW Developers and Enthusiasts – the 2013 Coding Challenge has been announced on the BALUG February 19 Meeting
Problem Statement
1. The Challenge: Provide a low latency/small memory footprint solution to access records in a very large Data Set (i.e. a Lookup Table). Contestants are provided with:
1D array of strings (unique Record Keys)
1D array of record numbers in the Data Set (same size and order as Record Keys)
You need to implement 3 Vis toBuild the Lookup Table (Create)
Search for a Record Number using Record Key value (Search)
Destroy the Lookup Table (Destroy)
[*]Winner: a solution providing minimal search times and data memory footprint on a large set of random key searches.
[*]Time for Creating/Destroying the Lookup Table is ignored in determining the winner
2. The Grand Challenge: Same as above, but besides Search requests, a solution has to handle
Insertion of new (Key, Number) pairs. If Key is already in the Lookup Table its Number value is to be replaced with the new Number value.
Deletion of existing (Key, Number) pairs.
Test Sequence includes a random mix of Search/Add/Delete requests (33.3% of each).
Winner: a solution providing minimal processing time and data memory footprint on a random Test Sequence.
Time for Creating/Destroying the Lookup Table is ignored in determining the winner
For details on scoring, solution development and submission guidelines please download the full Challenge Announcement from Submission Deadline: Wednesday, May 1, 2013 Coding Challenge Prizes The Grand Challenge Winner:NI : a 50% discount on NI Week 2013 Full Conference Registration
Arktur Technologies : A bottle of 2008 Truchard Cabernet Sauvignon, Carneros, Napa Valley
The Challenge Winner, 2nd and 3d place winners in both challenges:
NI : NI logo items (no details available at the moment)
Please respond to this thread if you or your company would like to establish a prize for a specific achievement in this Coding Challenge.
Dmitry Sagatelyan Arktur Technologies LLC
Bay Area LabVIEW User Group 2013 Coding Challenge Announcement.pdf