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    LabVIEW 2018
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  1. I think the biggest problem for NI with updating Labview has been the same problem faced by most developers/companies looking for a long term strategy in the last 10 years - it has been very difficult to pick a platform/technology that you believe will stand the test of time. It was a strange decision to rely on WPF for NXG but from what I remember the decision was made because other alternatives were not 'native enough', in the meantime Microsoft have had a similar platform meltdown of their own with WPF/UWP/WinUI , so as of 2020 'native' in Windows means literally nothing with Windows 10 a mishmash of every technology going and apps likewise. For what it's worth I think the best strategy for labview in the near term is: A cross-platform back end (presumably they are already had/have this with CG?) A front end with bindings to multiple GUI technologies Python support, particularly for dynamic runtime scripting I appreciate that the front end IDE will be tricky but moving this out to another technology (could be integrated somehow into the labview IDE) would not be the end of the world.
  2. Hello All, I'm attempting to create a right-click shortcut menu for a 3D picture control within an x-control that's showing data in a loop. As part of plotting the data, I have included an option to 'smooth' the input data so the picture control doesn't jump around and, ideally I'd like this to be toggled via a right-click menu at run-time. The problem is that when you activate a right-click menu on a picture control that's constantly being updated it flickers alot and looks rubbish, therefore I want to suspend the drawing of the 3D picture when the menu is activated. However to do this I need to know when the right-click menu is de-activated so I can re-enable the drawing. All's fine if the user actually selects something from the menu as the 'selection' event can be handled, but if the user just clicks off the menu to get rid of it there doesn't seem to be any event in labview that will detect this, so the drawing will remain suspended. Is there any way to detect the 'close menu' event in labview (this is easily achievable in vb etc.) and/or is there a way to get access to the plethora of windows events that labview doesn't handle as the subset is extremely limiting!!! Any advice would be much appreciated thanks
  3. First of all, thanks for your replies! This is the first time I've used LAVA and I wasn't expecting such a quick response. djolivet - that's a simple way of checking if they match before running a VI and that's great thanks. I think I need to clarify a few things though about what I'm trying to do. 1) It is expected that the interface between the external GUI setup page LLBs and the executable will be updated with new data types etc. passed between the two. At the time of writing my original post I thought I was going to implement a mechanism whereby I could 'get' the prototype information from the external VI which would essentially provide a 'version' of the external VI being used so it could be called with the appropriate interface from the executable. The executable would be able to maintain backwards compatibility with previous versions of the interface by maintaining a library of type references for previous versions. Having read Mark's reply however I think this is a bit dodgy and it would be better to create a standard API as he suggests with the external LLB VI reconstituting variant data and throwing away the stuff it doesn't need if it's an earlier version (I think this is what you were implying?). The LVOOP stuff would be good as well as it would essentially do the same job but in a more elegant way! 2)The GUI setup pages in the external LLB are expected to be supplied to users with the ability provided for them to modify the pages if they want to. I was originally hoping that checking the VI prototype info would provide a means of sanity checking the VI that has potentially been modified, but having thought about it a bit more, if the user wants to swap inputs/outputs etc. there's nothing I can do about it to check if it's ok. The connector panes might match but that doesn't mean it will actually function in the same way. jdunham - that's very clever but I'm not sure my boss would go for it! Thanks everyone
  4. Hello all, I'm currently attempting to implement a Labview GUI plug-in type architecture whereby I want to call external GUI Setup pages in an LLB from an executable. Before calling the external VIs from the LLB however, I'd like to check that the connector pane of the VI in the LLB matches that used to provide a strictly typed reference for the call by reference node in the executable. I've found that I can get all the controls/indicators from the VI in the LLB but this doesn't give the full information I need (the method returns all controls and indicators in the VI not those necessarily connected to the VI connector pane and the order they are returned in seems arbitrary?). Does anyone know if I can obtain the controls/indicator names and types connected to the connector pane of a VI programmatically? or at least compare the connector panes of two VIs to check if they are the same? thanks Lee
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