Sorry, but to boring...
Actually, my file manager plainly told me what a vipc file is. I leave this to the readers to 'hack' on their own. In the end you have little more than you already get from OpenG Package Builder.
Well, this 'little' prevents me from creating vipc files (I'm not sure if this was intended by JKI), but since ogp's install the same way I don't care.
So back to the big picture of reuse. It's not done with creating a reuse library, but you need to make it damn easy for others to use the reuse library. That's where the team at JKI did put in all the effort for VIPM (which I think is worth the money). That's why I want my vi's in the palette (see earlier in this discussion).
So I better invest my time on thinking: how can I make it easy for my team to use the reuse lib, what are individual concerns, habits and dreams on code reuse. For the installation of reuse code on the developement machines, VIPM community will be the best, because it's professional looking and easy to use.
Creating snapshots, I think about a simple wrapper around the OpenG package builder's core, that just displays a small dialog: 'All your vi's from the reusable library are sucessfully added to your repository. Do you want to see the details? -> NO'.
On the other hand, I think it's easy to create a small 'Installer' (there used to be a 'OpenG Commander' which was the predecessor of VIPM, so propably most code is already written). Then I can just get the snapshot in the user.lib/.. for field testing without the need to install LV2009-RT and VIPM.