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  1. I use Inno Setup (http://www.jrsoftware.org/isinfo.php) which is free (even for commercial), powerful, and versatile. I have three solutions for installing... 1 Build a 'dummy' application that creates a normal installer that you piggy-back in the inno setup installer and then remove the dummy exe after installation. 2 use the merge modules mentioned above to hand build (like in Visual Studio etc) a full installer which just contains those merges and piggy-back. 3 I'm not sure if this is ok, but you can also get a full LV runtime installer from the NI website (just search for it) and piggy-back that. You can use the MSI command line options to control these installs (make silent, force options etc) so you don't need to worry about the user cancelling or mis-configuring.
  2. I wouldn't do any parsing stuff, and instead piggyback off of the XML output of either gcc (I've never used it, but I seem to remember that it was possible to get a code structure breakdown as XML from gcc), or Doxygen's XML output. I had a util that was doing a portion of this for some C++ stuff I was building. It would create GOOP style classes (just copying vi's from templates) for all the methods as well as C method wrappers for each class. Unfortunately this was several months ago (circa LV6.0/1), and I couldn't figure out how to setup the CallLibrary stuff automatically (I don't think it was available at the time) so I ended up dropping the project as it couldn't get me far enough. The really bad part is that I apparently lost all of that work off of an old machine when I reformatted it recently. Most of it was driven by a python script to crunch the XML and generate the wrapper plus drive some VIs to generate the class llb. I will attempt to sift through my backups when I get time to see if I can dig it up. --edit Actually I seem to remember at the end of that project determining that I would probably need to integrate with SWIG as managing type conversion in any non trivial way was going to be a bear and SWIG already takes you 90% of the way (eg being able to use objects created by methods of a class). Not only that I now think that I may have used SWIG's xml output instead of doxygen... must find a backup of that project! Regardless I will try and see if I can get something going down this vein, but I am swamped at work... so don't hold your breath. --end edit Tuck
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