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  1. QUOTE(Norm Kirchner @ Nov 7 2007, 11:46 PM) That's what the hippies said and look at the mess we are in now that they are in charge! Ben
  2. QUOTE(Aristos Queue @ Nov 7 2007, 10:53 PM) I undestand. I did not beleive it at first either. I understand that I will have to justify my previous assertion. I will post numbers and images of code as soon as I can. Ben
  3. QUOTE(neB @ Nov 6 2007, 04:57 PM) Back to my feature request, maybe I was not clear in how I wish it to be, so let me be clearer. What I would like is : ctrl + c/v : copy data only ctrl + shit + c/V : copy format only or/and 2 right click menu options If this exist in LabVIEW 8.5 then it's great.
  4. QUOTE(crelf @ Nov 7 2007, 03:17 PM) I'll try to remember to get back with some numbers. We only found this out because "I asked the developer to change one thing, create new test". In one case we were passing a single array. In another we were passing two. The "two array" version ran faster than the "one arrays" (We were using the icon on the root technique so our buffers were being reused so we were just passing pointers to the arrays). After some head scratching, we tried the same test but with icon connectors that use the the min required in each test. The "time" is very small but it is measurable (I'm using an 80 MHz clock driving a counter timer board. It looks like it take about 4.4 us to read from a counter. That part I wrote down). I'll post what I can! My motivation in posting this info was to share the fact that if you are trying to squeeze more performance out of sub-VI calls, forget about the "Required" and use a smaller icon pattern. Ben
  5. Re: Required terminals are more efficient? I've got this crazy project happening that requires I bench-mark every little piece of code. I'm using a PXI Xhassis running LabVIEW Real Time 8.5 that is full of top of the line clocks timers and counters. I confirmed that the difference in Required vs Optional makes such a small differences, we could not measure any difference in performance. What was suprising was..... (drum roll) The icon connector used! A VI with spare terminals (like we have all learned that we should always have) takes longer to call than an identicle VI who's icon connector only has enough terminals for the data being passed! I came to accept this after thinking that the function prototype (as defined by the icon conector) indicates how many items get pushed onto the stack when the sub-VI is called. Take care! Ben
  6. QUOTE(crelf @ Nov 7 2007, 02:11 PM) Only if the child VI is moves on to meet the Supreme Wire-worker. Seriously, The use of controls to provide a default value when un-wired is such a nice behaviour that I would not want to have to take extra steps to use it. Ben
  7. QUOTE(Enki @ Nov 7 2007, 12:59 PM) That spec may aply to just using the cFP as an I/O device from a PC. Loop rates inside the cFP are dog slow if you are doing anything useful. 10Hz PID loops may work but I'd be nervous about promising anything faster inside the cFP. Ben
  8. QUOTE(Michael_Aivaliotis @ Nov 6 2007, 03:28 PM) If the target control is not tall enough, you can't see what you pasted without set the font of the targaet control. The "raw unformatted" would be my preference for the paste. Your comment about it always being there made me realize that I so rarely used mixed sized controls, that I have never seen this before. So its news to me. Ben
  9. NI was able to duplicate the issue with the font size coming across with the text. CAR# = 4F5997F2 I'm calling this a "sanity check" bug since this "feature" may be good for the Muge Bearer but under other circustances, this is bad. Ben
  10. QUOTE(TiT @ Nov 6 2007, 09:44 AM) ONLY if you are in edit mode and only if I want it do that. I'm yelling because I was do one of my stand-up coding routines on Friday under LV 8.5. I had a BIG indicator that displayed the measured resistance. When I cut and pasted the value from the big indicator into a standard sized control and the font size and style came with it. This of course meant I could not read the value I had pasted without re-sizing the control. I turned to the NI rep and siad "Thats a bug." Thanks for reminding me! I have to go report that bug. Ben PS: I just got off the phone with NI and they duplicated the behaviour. So... Mug Bearer, Your wish has been fulfilled! Just upgrade to LV 8.5
  11. In some text editors the keyboard shortcut "ctrl + shift + C", "ctrl + shift + V" allow to copy not the text but the text format (font, size, etc) Wouldn't it be nice to be able to be able to use it in LabVIEW to copy all the "format and precision" properties of a numeric to another one ?
  12. QUOTE(Justin Goeres @ Nov 5 2007, 12:20 PM) I have to stay with the home team (even though I believe they did NOT use LV, bummer) because the Team Leaders wife sang at my wedding and sings in the same choir as my wife. The is hope in the future! We have started to teach a LV course at CMU using "LabVIEW for Everyone". Ben PS: Now I can delete that other posting.
  13. Ignore this post. I just needed to nudge my post count to a better number. Ben
  14. QUOTE(Eugen Graf @ Nov 3 2007, 01:54 PM) Go Team Tartan! http://www.darpa.mil/grandchallenge/ Ben Team Tartan is from CMU hear in Pittsburgh PA.
  15. QUOTE(Justin Goeres @ Nov 3 2007, 01:24 AM) Now there is a good idea! How about a "Homework" section on the Premium side. We could justify it as "doing tutoring to support LAVA" Hey, if they can afford their texts books, a LAVA Premium Membership would count as chump-change. Ben PS: Norm (aka Exceptional Norm, is that an oxymoron?) didn't the RGB come with the picture control as an add-on back in LV 7.0? If so the data manipulation >>> split word is the widget to look for.
  16. QUOTE(crelf @ Nov 2 2007, 07:44 PM) So 7-bits is enough to qualify as geek? Sometime ago Jim posted a link were we could evaluate how geeky we were. If I remeber correctly, being able to recognize Maxwell was one of the questions. Jim rated as "Geek God". I fell short of that level of geekiness. Maybe those LAVA boxers my wife ordered will help. Ben
  17. QUOTE(Aristos Queue @ Nov 2 2007, 12:26 PM) I recall someone (you?) mentioning that there was a limit on the total length of a wire, but can't find it; I guess I've forgotten the key words...
  18. QUOTE(Norm Kirchner @ Nov 2 2007, 11:08 AM) OK. I'll chime in. I used Google and typed in "LabVIEW ADC scaling" The second link as of this posting is informative, DAQ Overview from U Penn. This is in HTML format, so you can use Google Translate to convert it.
  19. I'm just glad no one mentioned anything about using the parallel port for digital I/O!
  20. I looked at the example output you attached, and it appears to be a very nice tool. :thumbup: My current project is still far from complete, but as we get to the end I will recommend that we look at this. QUOTE(crelf @ Oct 31 2007, 01:31 PM) Reminds me of a NI Developer Education Day presentation that Brian Powell made in Boston. Brian's presentation talked about the development process for new features within NI. At the beginning, someone asked how many people were on the LabVIEW team and he answered "Everybody is on the LabVIEW team." Later on, someone asked how a new feature was put on the list for development and Brian said "Only a LabVIEW team member could do this." I guess they provided too much coffee and sugary snacks that day, because I blurted out "I thought everyone at NI was on the LabVIEW team!" It was probably bad form on my part to say such a thing, and Brian seemed a bit uncomfortable with my comment. I obviously still feel guilty about it because I feel an need to share it I guess in the the end we are all part of the sales and marketing group of our employer. Over the years I've seen xtaldaz, aristos and now Brian at these presentations. It's not their every day job to sell and market these products they've developed, yet they do it very well. (Sorry Brian!)
  21. check with Keyence. Lots of cool sensors. Not sure but I never asked tham about ice. Ben
  22. Only three members with 11 bits (Michael, Jim and Yen), and crelf weighing in at a hefty 12 bits!
  23. QUOTE(robijn @ Nov 2 2007, 05:44 AM) It sounds like you are interested in "http://forums.lavag.org/Calculate-VI-Modularity-Index-t9266.html&p=36929#entry36929' target="_blank">Modularity Index"...
  24. QUOTE(Michael_Aivaliotis @ Nov 1 2007, 10:18 AM) Well it has been "snappy" all day. Thanks! Ben
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