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  1. The reference time for LabVIEW is 12:00 a.m., Friday, January 1, 1904, Universal Time. So you have 1462 day offset. For excel you have the correct reference time but don't forget that it's not in UTC format. Eric
  2. QUOTE(jlokanis @ Dec 12 2007, 06:43 PM) I just used 'option 1' on a side project and it works well (just last week!). The only comment/question I have is why you would be concerned about the thread swap? This hit occurs only when you start the dynamic VI. If you're randomly starting large numbers of instances based on UI events AND these instances are CPU intensive or time critical, then you might risk delays or data acq loss. I start the instances with one subvi (see picture). I also included two queue references; one for commands to and one for responses from the dynamic vi. I've used the Command ref, but haven't used the response queue (yet ). Overall, I like this idea and will probably use it more :thumbup: http://lavag.org/old_files/monthly_12_2007/post-949-1197548237.gif' target="_blank">
  3. QUOTE(Yuri33 @ Dec 13 2007, 01:45 AM) I guess the reason why the dynamic VI is set to re-entrant is because it's going to be used at different places with different sets of data. So using a functionnal global would require great care and might cause race conditions, no ? I am always a bit scared of setting my VIs to re-entrant, the first reason is that I'm not self-confident enough in my own skills and the second is that I never really needed them. And third, now there are different type of re-entrant VIs and I didn't really understand the differences "We are limited not by the vast domain of the possible, but by the space inside us"
  4. QUOTE(Graeme @ Dec 12 2007, 03:38 PM) I can't say I've seen that issue but I have seen tab update issues. In most cases they update faster if you 1) Defer Front panel Updates 2) Hide the tab control (set visable false) 3) Do your update 4) Show the tab control 5) Undefer FP updates Like I said, I don't know if that will help! Off-the-wall question is the update fast when the tabs are "empty" and slow down when tables graphs etc are filled in? Ben
  5. I know some of you will want to kill me for keeping this thread going but.... 1) Wasn't the transistor just an experiment to prove that quantum mech effects can be measured at a macroscopic level? Don't know about dreams but... 2) Couldn't a "simple" memory be viewed as "memory quantum"? For the memory quantum, I am thinking about those things you manage to pull out your "arse" and you actually suprise yourself? The smell that brings back memories of Grama's house, The question from your better-half "Do you know where I left my glasses?" etc. It "seems" that the whole brain is is hit with a "query field" and if the memory is present, the system colapses into the "recall function". Although I can not propose methods to measure this "system", I also fel we will never figure out how to measure something that we refuse to test. AE had to cast aside the absolute nature of simultanaity (sp?) before his thought experiments could move forward. Sorry about dragging it out. Ben PS: My terminology could stand some improvement. Please try to read what I meant and not what I said.
  6. I was reading this article this morning, and decided to check out the products mentioned. The two companies sell static source code analysis tools to detect race conditions. They are in the same business, have practically identical home pages, and even the customers shown in the 'crawls' are basically the same. National Instruments is shown in both lists .
  7. Just a thought... If each tab was a sub-panel you could use User evnts and Action Engines to coordinates changes and the top level VI reduces to a sub-panel loader. Done thinking! Ben
  8. If our dreams are the product of our brains and our brains are composed of elements that must adhere to quantum mech, doesn't that dictate that dreams have to adhere with quantum mech? Yes I understand that at the macroscopic level the solutions of quantum mech become meaningless. So if the answer is Yes, then we can also say the same thing about this thread? Ben PS: I may not be able to respond to your reply very soon. I have to stuff my brain back were its is supposed to be.
  9. QUOTE(TobyD @ Dec 11 2007, 05:40 PM) Ben
  10. great ideas... such a shame that the developement will be discontinued ! http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=84...07068&hl=en
  11. QUOTE(Justin Goeres @ Dec 7 2007, 02:08 PM) Yes that would be handy. The work-around I use is to first set the index to size-1, set the array element, set index =0, and then re-size. Your suggestion would eliminate those steps. Ben
  12. QUOTE(Neville D @ Dec 7 2007, 01:13 PM) A trip to New Zealand to see the locations where the Lord of the Ring Trilogy was filmed is about the only reason I would agree to get on a plane again. Have fun! Ben
  13. QUOTE(alfa @ Dec 7 2007, 09:54 AM) Again I have to recomend The works of Carlos Costenada (sp?) of Don Juan (sp?) fame. To become a wizard he had to be able to see his hands in his dreams. His luminous beings idea fits right in with quantum mech. Ben
  14. I am not sure what you are trying to do so I'll take a wild guess. Start with Search examples >>> Browse >>> Programmatically Controlling VIs >>> Dynamically Loading and Calling VIs >>> Server - VIServer - Example.vi Look at the other examples in that section also. Ben
  15. QUOTE(alfa @ Dec 6 2007, 04:47 AM) Not the best sort of statement for creating sales. How many have you sold? http://www.lulu.com/content/180165' target="_blank">I AM CREATING GOD by Adrian Ferent
  16. Books: LabVIEW for Everyone 3rd Edition by Jeffery Travis and Jim Kring The LabVIEW Style Book by Peter Blume A Software Engineering Approach to LabVIEW by Conway and Watts Web Sites and info: LabVIEW Wiki LabVIEW for Dummmiees
  17. QUOTE(bono02 @ Dec 4 2007, 02:07 PM) You have to make an array with points by yourself andyou should not change the updaterate of the contouring points to change the velocity... The data inbetween two points are spline interpolatet, thats true. But this is not like a S-Curve move! So you will have big accelleration when you start a move with big velocity... If you just send points 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000, then it tries to move always 1000 steps in the updaterate of the countouring points... When you don't have a closed loop with your stepper motor, it is possible that you loose points... In the contouring mode you can not just give a target position and a velocity. If you will do that you have to change to the absolute or relative position mode. Then you can enter the target, a velocity and start the move...and the S-Curve also work in this mode... QUOTE(bono02 @ Dec 4 2007, 02:07 PM) Btw, about the maxon motor, are you using the API provided or you directly drive it using motion controller? Here with me I have EPOS 70/10 and Maxon motor EC 45. I use the API provided..
  18. QUOTE(Jo-Jo @ Dec 5 2007, 11:53 PM) In Labview 8.2 (8.5) is the newer 3D toolbox Here is the online help: Here you find a video from a 3d object... http://forums.lavag.org/index.php?showtopi...ost&p=20308
  19. I believe you are correct for bits 0-7. I created a simple VI with 10 terminals, an error in and an error out connected on the BD. As I moved the Error In input from terminal to terminal, the least significant bits changed in my Error Out flags to the index of the Error In flags in the array. As I changed the number of terminals, the number of bits increased as I placed the Error In at the top-left terminal of the pane. When I used more than 12 terminals, the least significant bits went to zero. The only thing I changed was the number of terminals and I let LabVIEW automatically reassign the positions. I did not see any other flag bits change when using > 12 terminals.
  20. QUOTE(Yen @ Dec 5 2007, 10:45 AM) Ditto that! Ben
  21. QUOTE(Bab @ Dec 5 2007, 04:51 AM) Are you trying to make a UI where the operator can customize the colors on the fly, or are you trying to automate (script) changes while using the development environment? If you're doing this to speed up making changes in the development environment, consider creating strictly typdefed controls. It takes some up-front planning, but makes changes simpler later on. Place these as needed, then update the typdef once to change all instances. If your application is going to run on more than one machine or be used by more than one or two operators, you may want to use system colors on your controls, indicators and backgrounds. The UI will then match the OS settings for colors and will behave like larger commercial based apps. Just an idea...
  22. Has MAX been opened since the update? The "allow undefined" (actually the unchecked mode) option for VISA controls requires the system go find out what ports are leagal and which are not. Yes, I'm just speculating. Ben
  23. I've heard of a Wikipedian Protesters. What can we expect now, Wikipedian gourmands?
  24. Will "update while typing" and the "value Change?" event help? When the event fires look for the tab and if present, re-write control with the non-tab version. Ben
  25. REMINDER!! Meeting is tomorrow. Refreshments & snacks will be served. Open discussion (everyone) after brief presentations
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