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Everything posted by EstarTroy

  1. Norm, I too am experiencing no Quick Drop commands under XP (both at the office and at home). I looked at the VI you suggested to Joe, and I am not getting an error. It also looks like the VI never really runs when the Quick Drop is brought up (grid goes away like it is running though so maybe my ignorance on how this works). Thoughts? I would also be willing to be a "guinea pig" for the redo.
  2. Yair, Thanks. I see that when IE saved them it changed the extension to zip from OGP. Once I changed those back to OGP, VIPM recognized them. Thanks for the help. Much appreciated. Now I can see if we can get LVSpeak to function. Will let you and Norm know if I run into further problems. Thanks again.
  3. Ah. Now we're getting somewhere. I attempted that, but the problem appears to be that the zip files do not have any .ogp, .vip, or .vipc files in them. The zip files I downloaded from the links at Eyes only contain a File Group 0 folder (with vis or .llb), a file called spec with no extension, and a bitmap/icon. The QD also has two .vis called PreInstall and PostUninstall I tried directing VIPM to the "spec" file and it claims there are no packages found to add to the library. Are the zips imcomplete or am I missing something?
  4. Norm, Thanks for the update on EyesonVIs. So I have downloaded all the packages, but am unclear on where/how to install the LVSpeak llbs. I have reviewed the VIPM online help but am not seeing how to tell it where to find the LVSpeak llbs. I am also unable to get it to connect to servers outside the corporate firewall, but I seem to gather that shouldn't be necessary. Also, only using the free VIPM. Thanks again for your time. I can clearly see the benifits during development since I am a bit of a neat freak with my block diagrams. Aligns, lable moves, etc get to be tedious.
  5. Norm, Loved the demo you gave when you were on site at one of LV User Group meetings. Been wanting to do this and have just now had some time to try this. Being a little slow on the up take here, but which files do I need to download (now that it appears updates have been made since original post) and what other packages (rusty nails I believe you called them) do I need if any. This is my first attempt to add non-NI supported product to my development platform.
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