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Everything posted by durnek60

  1. Hi! What are the mayor differences between DVR and singleton template in GOOP4? Singleton: Only one object instance in memory Not wire required Simple DVR: Wire Requeid Multiple instances can be in memory. anyway, could you tell me when should I use Simple DVR and Singleton? Thanks!
  2. I think yesterday I was too tired to make this last trial. The way to create plugin.llbs for factory pattern, where every vi is protected by removing its block diagram is similar like anything else..
  3. Hi! I'm wondering about the factory pattern. It is a very useful tool if the target has memory limitation, and I think it is modern-style plugin architecture. So I'm planning to redesign my plugin-based code to Factory pattern... BUT what about the code protection? Using source distribution with clear block diagram option is a very good way to protect the code, but what about the classes and their methods? Is there any way to remove remove class method block diagram?
  4. I created an installer, and Tested on Virtual XP, and works fine! Thanks!
  5. Will this vi work if I don't have LV development? I mean, I wanna create an installer, LV09 RTE will be included. When I install this app, will this VI returns the Shared folder? Do you have any experience or shall I make a test on it? Thanks in advance!
  6. Hi! I would like to write a code, what is able to find the ProgramFiles\National Instruments\Shared - Folder. This folder is selectable during installation. This code will be placed into my exe, and Installer. So, When the user install my applicaton, and select a path where my application and National Instruments Runtime will be installed, my app will search for the National Instruments\Shared path. Is there any tricky way for that, or I have to seach whole computer, so I will have a lot of premission error....
  7. Thanks!!! I'm very sad, because I have a demo tomorrow . I thought that, Notifyicon can be a great tool to inform the user about device removal/connection.... I'll post it on NI Forum, I hope someone will find a solution! Thanks again! Did you check this link? http://zone.ni.com/devzone/cda/epd/p/id/3915
  8. Hi! I've just created an installer and exe on Win7. I've tested the exe and installer on win7. The application works fine, but when I start the application on XP, nothing happens. The icon of my app. appears on taskbar, so it starts to load, but nothing happens, and close without any error message. The app. was created on Win7 32 bit 2009 SP1 LV. I used some Windows.Forms, tools. - notifyicon - contextmenu - menuitem My first idea was the win components, but I read on MS forum, it is ok. (some problem occures when the notfyicon size is larger than 32x32.) I made the modification with the icon, but nothing happens. Please help!
  9. It seems, there are many reason why should I choose llb, or not... What are the common solution for these problems? How do I manage my Classes and methods in development time in order to use SVN? And Source Distribution?
  10. And how do u handle the overwrite methods? (equal names) Are your classes in different llbs? For example: ApplicationDirectory\Resurces\Class_1.llb and Class_2.llb?
  11. Hi Experts! I'm wondering about, how to create my application file/folder structure. I've a top level VI, that contains and manage most of my classes but some methods (not all). First of all, I would like to know. if I create an application, and set my startup vi, that contains only an LVclass object its block diagram (only the object, no method exists on the top level vi). When I create my my app, all the methds will be loded into memory, by default or just the class? The reason why I would like to know, is the following. I have some plugin VIs that operate on the parameter Classes, which was created on the top level vi, and sent as a parameter to the plugin vi by (VI Server - Set Control property) Do I have to set my class and all methods to Source Distribution - Always included filed in orded to use and manage and handle the parameter object? My Second question is in connection with classes and source distribution. My opinion is, It is good, when I only have one source distribution as an llb. next to my application.exe. Creating this distribution The always included filed is full of my top level plugin vis and all the rest are included when referred. I have several override methods, of my classes, so I can not merge all of the reffered vis (methods) to one distribution. Could you tell me, how can you handle this situation? or could you suggest me a way to go? Thanks in advance!
  12. Thanks to everyone Who tried to help me!!!! A solution has posted on NI forum! Thanks to everyone!
  13. Dear jkuehn My end application is to create an LV SW that handles uEye cameas. Thats all.! I've all the uEye drivers, and works very well, and ActiveX too. But my basic problem is, how to know how many and what kind of cameras are connected to my PC. Non of uEye - Labview vis, and ActiveX methods return this value for me, so I have 2 solution left.: When a EventonNewDevice - ActiveX event is generated, I have to init and exit all camera ID,s form 0 - 254 in order to get the valid camera. I think it is very bad and slow solution.... and if I already have an opened camera that causes any further problems. So my second method is how to get the cameras is reading keys from registry. I made a VI that reads the regisry H_Key_Local_machine\.....\uEye\Enum and Parameters to get how many cameras are available. Any more functions work well in LV, but this and I think one of the most important function is_GetCameraList does not! Thats why I need some help! If u have any suggestion, please! Dear Ned! I've tried your VI! Replaced the missing parameter path from dll, but nothing happens. Anyway, As I set the Number of cameas not zero nothing happens. But, the Param result cluster (that u unwired) contains number of cameras output is valid. Because I set number of cameras input parameter 0, the result is 1, and I have 1 camera connected. Sadly, on the second or the third trial, my LV crashes all the time! but generates error log. lvlog2011-07-11-10-01-55.txt
  14. Hello! I can't belive it, what causes the LV crash. I've tired with LV8.6 without any result.... Same faulire, and no error log... I did what u suggested, but I dont know how to go on... Any ideas?
  15. Hi LogMAN! Thanks for your reply! I've made the modifications but my LV crashes! When I Set the Number of Cameras parameter to 1 (only I is connected currently) my LV crashes. BTW, If I set it to zero, I've return value, in Param cluster - NumberOfCameras = 1, but the remaining fields are empty... But, as I read in the document, I have to Set the input parameter value - number of cameras
  16. Hi! Could you help me to solve my DLL call problem? Please take a look at the attached images. How do I configure the parameter?
  17. Hi! I've a Host to Target DMA, that transfers data to the Upper loop. I'm counting the data arrivals and sending the data from upper loop to the lower loop by INNER_FIFO. (After the specified data arrived in the upper loop more data will be transfered to OUTER_LOOP, but it can not be seen on picture.) Placing an INNER_FIFO -> Get Number of elements to Read method in the INNER_WINDOW, I see, the remaining elemens in the fifo is highly increased by the time... Maybe my calculation in the Inner_window loop takes so much time, so the fifo will be full? INNER_FIFO (Target Scoped, Flip-Flops , 10.000 elements) If it is, how can I reduce the calculation Time? Another question, If I have a Target Scoped FIFO with only one Read and Write, shall I set it artbitrate Never? Thank you! (I can not post to NI forum, I got an Unexpected Error all time... )
  18. Thank you very very much!
  19. Hi! I've attached a vi, and an Image. I would like to send this image from RT to FPGA with DMA FIFO. In order to reduce the transfer time, I've joined U8 values to U64. After rebuilding my Image, I've seen, there is an unexpected shift on the reconstructed Image. Could you give me some explanation about this? Test.zip
  20. I've never heared this synonym for Action Engine...
  21. So, I would create a UI Class, and all the methods could be a predefined UI States (ie. UI Class - Engine State.vi with a flag isRuning) ....yes, its ok! (last time I've used this technique and I would say it is ok, but I'm interested other developer's opinion) MFVI? I'm not familiar with all acronyms.... Could you tell me some words about this?
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