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Everything posted by durnek60
Dear Michael! Annoying is handling these properties on the block diagram... My goal is to try to find a solution or technique how do other LV programmers handling controls prperties in large applications... I'm sure that when u have a well structured SW implementation and about 15 controls/indicators, I don't think your block diagramm is full of with Visible/disabled porperties and some realsubVIs...
Hi Experts! I need some advice! I've been developing LV over 5 years, using OO, singleton, DVR, Plugins, JKI tools in my apps. When I start my new project, I often make UML diagrams to create the backbone of my app, create parent - child classes in order to use override methods and so on... But when I'm ready with methods, database functions and procedures I'm on the point on to make a connection between my top level methods and the top level vi's controls. i.e buttons, indicators and their prperties. I often use controls/indicators disable properties to keep my program on the right way to run.... ie avoid unexpected function calls and so on... I'm using classes for modelling the real world item but I dont know what technque would be the best handling the top level controls. For example, I've about 8 controls and 8 indicators. Some of them only visible on the specific point on my application state. But I think it is very annoying the handle these front panel items in my top level vi block diagram. I saw so many useful solutions and design patterns, but non of handling these controls / indicators references and properties. Imagine a class, it's attributes and methdos modelling a car. Attribs: number of wheels, color, type, process_class... , Methods,: Move, stop,... and so on. I wanna create a top level vi for handling cars. When I press the start button, Car class initialized but the car itself is not moving. I set another button to start its engine... When this car is started, I have to disable and grayedout the Car_Init button, in order to prevent my program to create a new car object .... What could be the best way? 1.) Set these controls references as a class private data In the car class and handle these references on time when a specific method executed, 2.) Create a new singleton object that contains all of my buttons palced on the front panel, defining methods such as Car_Stated and palce this method a specific position on the diagram? Both solution has so many advantages and disadvantages: Advantages: 1.) Specify control propery can be handled on time when the right method run. ie: I hit start engine, And Set the the Init_car property disabled on the same vi, or a privete method in it.... 2.) In OO desing I would create a class for Controls_ and define some methods for disabling and enabling controls ref. ie. Controls - Start_Engine.vi ( Enable Stop Engine Button Ref, and disable Init Car ref.) Disadvantages: 1.) I think the control refenrce is not a neccessary attribute of the Car Class so why should I place about 4 or more control reference into my Car class??? 2.) If I have a singleton or native LV class, control refrence handling , I have to specify all controls prpperty values in every method... Conclusion: I need some implementation desing or suggestion how can the labview professionals handle these things in labview? I hope I was clear, and u can understand what I really want to say! Thank you!
Hello! I've found your reply what is very helpful. I think I have the same problem, but I don't know how to solve is.... I Would like to do the following: I've a scanner: Colortrac Smartlf Ci24, I would like to use it (start scanning, setting up, and so on... from labview.) I did not find any manual about this scanner. Could you help me how to go on? 1.) I've attached a picture, that would be greate if I can get this property window from labview... 2.) The best would be if I could start the scanning process from labview. Thank you very much!
Hi! Is there any way to Get these new Items, without replacing my old event structure with yours? My App is big...
Thank you very much again! I'm going to try it soon!!!
Thank you! That it what I'm affraid of...
HI Experts! I have a question for you! I would like to use the " fit control to pane" behaviour on control, that placed on a tab control page. After setting "fit control to pane" to the tab control, the other control i.e Image Display wont resize when I resize the window. Could you help me how to do that? Thank you!
Hi all! I am wondering about the following.. I have a very comlex OO structure and the top level object contains all the current classe ie. the backbone of the application. There are many events that can modify the current state of the program. ( set / update attributes for classes, save or load). These events are generated in very special parts of the code(even different VIs), so I have to place this top level object into many VIs in order to keep the dataflow but in this case the wiring is not acceptable. I have three alternatives: Global Variable : ~ Contains the top level Object, and Set the Global var. to Read / Write - the dataflow is given FUnction Global: at the init state of my program, The functin global initializes the top level object , and every time when I wanna use this object I have to create a new state for the function global (or use Get - Set states) Singleton DP. : I have never used this before, and I dont know how to combine the by ref. top level Object with the contained by value object. I dont know how to go on! I would be so greatfull if u could help me to choose right, or suggest me another soultion for my problem! Thank you very much. (i think the real problem is, this is the first time when I am working such a great application. There is no problem for me to design the specific classes, write all the methods. but when i am at the point of compile the whole program, I dont know how to compose all classes for one.) It is so sad that very difficult to find any quotes about application desing. )
Hello! I'm wondering how to implement the following functionality: File - Locate In Project. After the menu selection the element of the tree selected programitically. How can I do that? Could you help me?
Tank you very much!
Thank you very much!!!
Hi! I am wondering how to do the following Menu like in Project Explorer - (ToolStrip Control). (New - Open - Save - Save All ...) Could you help me how to do that?
Hi! I have downloaded many cool UI Controls, they are cool! btw ... in the VI package manager there are many cool contorls - Install and Upgrade Packages - Uninstall packages... and so on... Is it possible to download these controls? Thanks!
Hello! I would like to make image calibration. There is very useful vis in IMAQ Lib, but I would like to use Vision Assistant - Image Calibration method. In VA. selecting Image Calibration - The 3 steps wizard appears, and it is very easy to use the 3 type of calibrations. Could you help me, that how to call this wizzard from Labview, without starting Vision Assistant? (the resource files of Image Calibration are founded, but some parts are missing.) Is there any other way? Thank you!
Hi all! It is well known, there is a dialog in Vision Assistant to calibrate image. I would like to ask you, how should I call that dialog form my code?
OK! Thanks for the possibility!!!
Thank you very much! In the middle of January I will start to develop any solution for this problem. Yes, you are totally right about lightening. Changing it will be the first thing what's need to be replaced... If I have any problems, I gonna tell you. BTW, i will share my solution too Best Regards!
Hi all! First of all, Merry Christmas! by the way, the work never ends. I am wondering about a solution, without any success. Could you help me? My problem is the following. I have a surface, and I have to detect all of defects on it. I don't have any good idea how to find them. In the attachment, you can see a small surface defect. My project is: find and localize all of these defects automatically, and measure them. What kind of image processing tools can be used to find and measure (area) them? Measuring them is not as important as than finding, and localizing them. First of all, using a morphological procedures could be a good start, but I don't know to detect these defect automatically... Please see the attachment:
Oh Man!!!! Thank you very much your fast reply!!!! I'm on it!
Hi! I downloaded a package from Code Repository -> UI Controls -> Lavalib-UI-tools, package. I tried them and i say, wonderful. I've been trying to do the follow for a long time, but I need a little help. I wanna design a button, for example : My link, but, I would like to do that, the circle(filled) will be button, without backgorund. I tried to customize buttons, copy the circle and paste it, but, LV insert a default white background around the circle, and created a rectangle control. How to do that, the white background gone and only the filled circle will be visible ? (the white will be translucent) Like in the package!! Could you help me, I tried so many things... but I don't know how to go on...
Hi! I have tried, but sadly doesn't work... when u start that application , before u do anything u have to select File -> new Template... i'm affraid that's why tha command line argument doesn't work.. Thanx your reply... i hope we will find out one day Anyone else?