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Dan Bookwalter N8DCJ

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    LabVIEW 2019
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  1. Lior Perfect , that is the kind of insight I was looking for .... thank you Dan
  2. Ok , i am looking for someone with extensive real world PXI experience , who doesn't work for one of the suppliers etc... where I work none of us have any PXI experience. Here is a big picture overview of what we would be replacing for now. We have test stands that need upgraded, they currently use discrete instruments, Function Generator (4 Ch) , 4 channel oscilloscope , a Keithley 2750 , with 40 channels of DAQ , multiplexer card and relay cards ... all slots are full on the Keithley. So, for PXI I was thinking DMM card , multiplexer(s) , relay cards , Oscilloscope and Function Generator ... Ideally I would like to talk to someone for say 30 minutes on phone or Teams or whatever to get a better real world application feel etc.. From what I have read , we would not need a controller as the PC would be in control of everything and not offloaded to the controller. One of the aspects of PXI I like is the ability for expansion in the future. if you have any inclination to talk to us , message me on here and we will figure it out ... TIA Regards Dan
  3. Cool , thanks I will check it out
  4. Not sure if this is correct forum ... But , we are in the market for 1 or more of these instruments in working order (they are long obsolete) , we need to upgrade , but that is not a trivial task as we have stands all over the world using these things , not to mention all the software that would need upgraded to run with the new instrument. it is a painful situation that has to and will change , but , we need a few spares if we can find any. I am hoping someone has 1 or more laying on a shelf that they no longer want 🙂 Regards Dan p.s. we have been searching the internet , but , nobody seems to have any.
  5. OK , i do not actually have the hardware yet ,i am using simulated so a little tough to test it out , i suppose i could use different ranges on each channel to try to figure it out .. anyway , if I configure a task to use channels , in say this order , 1,7,3,6 .... will I get the data back in 1,7,3,6 or 1,3,6,7 ? TIA Dan
  6. Rolf/Log Thanks guys for the input , I will have to do a little testing , but , sounds encouraging. Regards Dan
  7. If I build and exe using LabVIEW 2019 Pro , that utilizes the report generation toolkit , can it be run on a PC with just the LabVIEW runtime engine , and , some of these PC's may have LabVIEW 2019 Full installed on them. Will it run in that case ? Regards Dan
  8. Gribo OK , i will look into reducing resolution , I should be ok with that ... Thanks Dan EDIT: GRIBO , i went to 4.5 resolution and i get the timing I need... i will have to make sure that the resolution is good , but , i guess i really dont have much choice .... this system is currently running by a program that was written in C++ , but we dont have the source code , and we need to get it converted to LV so we can add more types of units as needed ... Dan
  9. I have an application where i need to scan up to 16 channels at 10Hz , using a 16 channel multiplexer card 34902A. i have tried a few simple things and am not close the 10 Hz , i saw somewhere either on here or NI.com about buffering , but , for the life of me i cant find it again. edit: i started with the advanced scan example. So , how do you set up buffering , and poll the instrument at regular intervals ? i did all the configuring outside of the while loop , and only triggered and read (into a queue) in the DAQ loop , but , it seems as though i am still a little shy of the 10Hz. Any pointers ? Dan
  10. OK , i am looking into using TDMS , but , i am struggling to get it to work how i envisioned. I know i am missing something , i am very tired been up for 1.5 days (travelling) ... anyway , i like the idea of the meta data aspect vs a text file... what i am looking to do is write 350-400 data points per second , for this particular test it is basically 10 rows x 35 or so columns... i have mocked up some simulated data etc... when i try to write the 10 rows , it is very slow ... if i write all 216000 rows at once after the data , it is very fast , however , this test will run 12-18 hours , so i do not want to wait until the end to write the data ... if someone could point me in the right direction that would be great. Regards Dan
  11. Hey John Yeah after messing with it for a bit , I was over thinking it , as usual... thanks Dan
  12. I do not recall if i asked this already as I have too much going on ... But , I need to be able to add Alt Enter to a string before i save it to Excel so the cell in Excel is formatted correctly ,I am using the Report Generation toolkit to write to Excel... Suggestions ? Dan
  13. I was looking for something else ... and ran across this thread ... "This header data is not actually useful" my question is , why the header then ? Dan
  14. I may be in need of a dedicated serial adapter , the NI ones are super expensive , but , if it was up to me thats what I would buy... So , does anyone have any recommendations .... you can find them anywhere from $20 to $600 obviously it needs to interface with NI-MAX , although I am sure they all would.. Dan
  15. dadreamer thanks i will give this a try .. Dan
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