Hello All
I have been away from LV programming for some time other than some quick DAQ stuff to solve a problem , well , I am back into a couple of projects and since I am starting anew I will go the LVOOP route. I used LVOOP in its early days and drove Stephen nuts back then , so , to spare him even more frustration I will ask the experts here. This is very basic , but , my memory isn't so good anymore so I need a re-fresher.
What I am doing is taking data using my DAQ Class from three sensors , Temperature , Flow and DUT output , I need to do a little processing on the data and was going to have each type be its own class , especially since I am sure the sensors and processing will change down the road. But , as I got into it , no matter what route i went down (via LVOOP) it seemed to be awkward whatever way i was approaching it and stopped and decided to see what you guys suggest , I know it is very basic but what is the best approach (design pattern) to use for something this simple.
In addition to the processing the data I also need to Graph it , save it to file etc... all the usual stuff we do with data...