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Jim Kring

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Status Updates posted by Jim Kring

  1. Reviewing the OpenG Trim Whitespace performance optimizations on LAVA: http://lavag.org/topic/14776-trim-whitespace-string-package-review/

  2. Good job @jgcode >> OpenG 4.0 release available for download: http://cot.ag/mmQRnB /via @openg_org

  3. “@slimstarman: KeePass and DropBox are a nice combination. Works on several desktop OS and Android. I'm all cloud compliant.”

  4. “@PaulGaier: Who changed my VI to reentrant!? #LabVIEW #notme

  5. Google Docs Spreadsheets Now Support Pivot Tables | Lifehacker Australia - http://goo.gl/Dh5Wd

  6. Installed HazeOver on my Mac. I like it so far: http://bit.ly/fxZbkU

  7. Vote! Enable VIPM to package more LabVIEW Add-on types >> Make the LV "resource" folder a symbolic path: http://goo.gl/eQkS5

  8. Obviously, photos of Queen Elizabeth II are not "Royalty-Free": http://t.co/dSm1NAP (and other interesting copyrighted stuff)

  9. What's the best way to remove typedefs from a variant in #LabVIEW? http://cot.ag/gvS4Cw #LAVA #OpenG

  10. Charlie Sheen's new catch phrase: BOMBING!!! http://t.co/TyXddRo

  11. Rebooting: A magical way to solve 99% of all computer problems.

  12. “@EdDickens: #LabVIEW system replacing PLC system going online now.” woot!

  13. just discovered @hipsterhacker - he's my new favorite guy on the Internets.

  14. Cool! Faster @FogBugz On Demand and I even got to learn something: http://cot.ag/flqXDr

  15. New customer called and wants app written in #LabVIEW "because it's easier to maintain by them than say JAVA" #TheirWordsNotMine

  16. I wish the iPhone spellcheck was grammar aware for when your typing homonyms.

    1. Bjorn Conjaerts

      Bjorn Conjaerts

      Go for Blackberry Jim ;)

  17. Heading to Austin. Sad I missed CLA Summit, but looking forward to couple days of syncing up with friends/colleagues at @NIglobal

  18. way too busy right now to do any one thing very well #timetostartsayingnotostuff

  19. forgot to CC people in 4 emails yesterday despite referencing them in msg body. #imustbegettingold and/or #softwarefail?

  20. Getting a lot of phishy emails today (Valentine's Day) claiming to be FTD Flowers.

  21. “@mkapor: Algorithms, tubes, electrons. What is the Internet REALLY powered by?” my guess is coffee

  22. Heading into SF to visit the Photonics West show at Moscone Center. Will stop by NI (@NIglobal) booth to say "hi".

  23. Four Loko too strong to drink. Now being put into cars' gas tanks: http://engt.co/dE8BQ2

  24. I can't believe that with today's technology leaving a dome light on in the car can fully drain the battery

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