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Jim Kring

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Status Updates posted by Jim Kring

  1. “@wimtormans: Another way to learn some #LabVIEW tricks >> Document someone else's code” I agree. Also watch someone else code.

  2. I love the new download buttons on the @TortoiseSVN download page (http://tortoisesvn.net/downloads.html): easy to find!

  3. Wondering how to run a command before uninstalling my build LabVIEW application: http://bit.ly/hwtOHF

  4. “@EdDickens: Stuck at Detroit airport with bad front strut on plane.”

  5. Sweet! Can now edit Google Docs from iPhone & iPad: http://cot.ag/bnFQjM

  6. I love all the great new Google Docs features, lately: http://cot.ag/bHfzmz

  7. How did I ever live without a Fujitsu ScanSnap duplexing sheet-feed scanner? It can even scan a stack of business cards!

  8. I'm feeling like a web *master* today. Successfully upgraded the JKI forums (http://forums.jki.net/). Who needs an IT dept?

  9. Drawing with chalk for free on the iPad: http://bit.ly/cYRcQJ

  10. On my way to the Bay Area NI Tech Symposium in Santa Clara. Drop in and say hi if you're around: http://bit.ly/afi4BM

  11. Made it to Austin after 5hr delay, courtesy of United. Going to Cedar St for a beer and Spazmatics 2nd set #betterlatethannever

  12. I need to visualize a VI call chain hierarchy in LabVIEW. Have any ideas or know how to improve mine? http://bit.ly/9tRQat

  13. Damn you Adobe Download Manager and your sneaky install of McAfee Security Scan Plus on my machine. All I wanted was Flash!

  14. “@spolsky: oh baby, SnagIt for Mac is in beta... my life is complete. http://j.mp/6M4K7R”

  15. I love it! I post an idea to the LabVIEW Idea Exchange and now it's a feature (via JKI RCF plugin): http://cot.ag/bpnAHw

  16. Annoyed by software update services that update themselves more often than the software they update.

  17. “@kirienne: It's taking a frakkin' hour to sync. #iPhoneFailAgain

  18. Happy to see "what's new" list from NI for Scripting feature in LabVIEW 2010, now officially supported: http://cot.ag/9qS6Hr

  19. “@jgcode: Upgrade to first class on flight out of Austin. #niweek, the gift that keeps on giving”

  20. I'm really looking forward to seeing all my friends and colleagues at #NIWeek 2010!

  21. Why must I re-learn all the subtle details of apache mod rewrite and regular expressions every time I need some simple URL redirects?

  22. Survey shows people don't want to plug wire (USB/iTunes) into wireless device (iPhone) to use it: http://cot.ag/a14MHP

  23. Problem with TortoiseSVN 1.6.8 & 1.6.9. Run "Repair" to fix. 1.6.10 won't have this issue. See here: http://cot.ag/a15ORK

  24. Apple "fixing" iPhone 4 antenna issue by giving users more bars: http://cot.ag/cloOeK

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