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chcastro last won the day on March 25 2010

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    Sao Jose dos Campos, Brazil

LabVIEW Information

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    LabVIEW 2009
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Newbie (1/14)



  1. Hi MikaelH, I managed to use labXML to access the XMI file and, with François tip, class API to include the controls in class private data. It was necessary to do as you said (see my post in Code repository). Thanks for you offer and help but I need to "write" the the code to my graduation work.
  2. Hello François, Thanks, I hope it could be accepted here. I follow your sample code and manage to insert the controls in the private data. Thanks for you help and kind words.
  3. Hi, I am using LVClass API in my graduation work to generate LV classes from a UML class diagram exported to XMI file. Using the API I can access the class's control cluster and, using scripts, I can drop the attributes over the cluster (a shadow appers) but not into it. If I move the control over the cluster with the mouse, it is absorved by the cluster. Can someone to help-me with this issue? Thank you very much, Cláudio H.
  4. Hi Mr François, Your API is helping me in a graduation work about LabView classes. In fact I am trying to generate LV classes from a UML class diagram exported to XMI file. Using your API I can access the class's control cluster and using scripts I can drop the attributes. Actually I just drop the controls because I can not get the reference of the cluster. If I move the control over the cluster with the mouse it is absorved by the cluster. Have you a tip how to get the reference of the cluster? Your VI returns references to the class and to what I guessing should be the cluster but property node reports as VI reference. Thanks, Cláudio H.
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