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Everything posted by Trin

  1. Thanks vugi, as usual you gave a great hints. well, i should say that i checked my wrl code, and it has the normal vector data.my question is how i can relate the mouse coord to wrl for determining in which face it is?is there any sample VI that i can get some ideas from it. Also, how i can get a reference to a 3D scene Mesh, which has a Normal array, as far as i understand the 3D scene mesh has a property node that make it possible to read the normal vector. The only VI that i can get some idea is the http://decibel.ni.com/content/docs/DOC-2059 i am trying to reverse the codes to get some ideas, but on the other hand it is somehow complicated and i am a newbie in Labview. Thanks for any help,
  2. Thanks for your reply, may be i should put it in this way, what i really mean is a funtion/method of 3d picture control to calculate normal vector. attach is a simple vi that load a wrl file and should calculate normal vector of the marked point inside "mouse down" event handler. Cheers P.s: i cannot load a wrl file, there is an Error says You aren't permitted to upload this kind of file cube4b.vi
  3. HI Lavas, i want to know if there is any method to determin the normal vector for any specific point on a 3d object?! Actually i dont need to show it on the front panel, ijust need to save the normal vector data. Looking forward for hearing anything
  4. great example for understanding, well, i need to do more Yoga in order to stand on my head now i can work on this method, hopefully it will work
  5. Thanks for the idea, i am trying to use the "Setup Camera" method, but i really can't understand what is the functionality of Up direction. Any Idea?
  6. Thanks vugie for replying this post. I didnt really understand by "Set up camera method" can you give me an example when it is possible for you. i dont think touch panel will be a matter of problem. have a nice weekend
  7. Hi everyone, i want to visualize a 3d form on a 3D picture control through a HMI panel, as i have no peripheral devices, i need to do zooming and scrolling manully through touch panel, thus i need some coding to do that. Right now i can mark points on my model , so i want to know if there is any sample VI that i can get some ideas. Thanks,
  8. sry i think that was my mistake that i didnt write what exactly i need. I am using 3d graph, and i want to zoom in when i mark a point on my 3d graph, because i am going to run my VI on a HMI touch screen panel, and i dont have a mouse either keyboard, thus i need to do this somehow programable. so what i need is a property or methode to select and zoom still any idea, that makes me really happy to hear any idea
  9. Hi Lavas, i need to zoom on specific mark on my graph, the exact feature that i need is, when i click a point on graph the area near to that point be somehow zoom in or zoom out. i found this property ViewDistance, but it will zoom in the whole graph not a pointed one. does anyone has an idea about it?Really, any idea can be useful. Thanks, Trin
  10. Hi, i want to determine the norm vector on a 3D graph, i have x y z position of a point on 3D coord, and now i want to determine either the Euler angle or a norm vector on that surface i need to know the direction of the point, i checked for the Euler angle and i realised that it need a cosine direction matrix, then its going to be somehow complicated to calculate the cosine direction matrix and then find the euler angle. so i just want to know if anyone has an idea or some hints to give me some idea of how i should processed.
  11. Hi Ben, thanks for your reply.I tried to clean it up as you said, but i should say i am really fresh with LabView.For creating the wave form i am using one of LabView's own example, i attach it as well. as you can see when by clicking on the surface, the position's indicator shows one coord before, i think i need a mouse up event as well, but then i also have some problems with redrawing the plot. again thanks for your help. change read xyz.vi 3dgraph.llb
  12. Hi Ben, thanks for your reply, i examined the code that you had posted on that thread, and i tried to write this VI based on that code. but still i have got problems. i am trying to add the plot to my graph so i can see the marked points.I would appreciate any kind of suggestion since i am really stucked on this:) change read xyz.vi
  13. Hi All, I want to write a program which plots data on a surface graph then allows the user to click on the graph and "mark" points on the plot. The program should change the color of the "marked" points on the graph. I wrote the attached code which uses "event structure" and cursors to do the job. I used cursor to read the X,Y,Z position of the clicked point on the plot and store them in arrays. These arrays then were feed into a new plot added to the graph using CWPlots3D.Add() method. However, my code does not draw the second plot (which would show marked points in green) nor it does not get the marked points coordination correctly. I appreciate your help to correct the code. Thank you
  14. hmm, also a good idea, but i was wondering, if it is possible to get the XYZ coord from the ActiveX. i mean why converting the pixels to coord (because what the event gives us is a coord) instead, find a way that getting the XYZ values from a point that cursor pointing. is it also possible?
  15. Hi Mikael, thx for your quick reply. still i have some problems,based on my understanding, the 2D coords that this vi shows is the numbers of pixels, so does it mean that i nead to convert pixels to coord,and then use coords?because now it does not mark the point that i click. or do i need an event handler to return the coord of mouse?
  16. Hi everyone, i draw a 3D mesh graph and i want to show it on the NI HMI panel, the problem is that whenever someone touch the panel some points should be mark on my graph, it means that i should get the x y coordination from the hand and map it on the 3D graph, as i am somehow fresh with labview i dont have a good prespective towards what i should do, i examined some codes but still would be nice to get some suggestation from you guys. Cheers, Trin
  17. fresh with LabView, and confuse with load of information, Looking for the start point

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