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Everything posted by celluloseester

  1. How to use PDA compact flash ethernet card to connect with fieldpoint by using the PDA module labview exe files. The question is how can I connect them both together.Answer me if you can answer my question surely. I hope that you can help me to solve my problem. Probably, if you have any resource which can solve my answer, plz contact me by reply this board.
  2. thz for helping
  3. how to use the labview for control and monitor the status of the sevices, e.g Fieldpoint
  4. can Labview use with Php or MySQL, so, we can use the data and monitor them
  5. can labview use with XML, i dunno how to use LabView with XML
  6. Labview FFT Question, how to program it
  7. Want to ask that how to use LabView to measure FFT, any help or example to help me
  8. thank you very much
  9. you can use J2SE implements with LabView or you can use JavaScript with LabView. And yet, I choose J2SE first.
  10. how to monitor the data which generate by the LabView
  11. Firstly, i need to use the LabView for measurement of FFT, and then output the data through the HTTP or using Java, and send to the 3G cellphone for remote control
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