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Everything posted by Farid2010

  1. I just started to make a Vi project today. All of the sudden when i tried to re-open it , it showed me an error message which I attached here. I also attach my file. I don't know hoe it happened and i would appreciate if you could help me to open it up! Thanks 1.vi
  2. Thank you so much
  3. Does anybody know how i can import a jpg or other image file as a symbole ? i wanna use that symbole in listbox.(Don't wanna use labview's symboles) Tnx
  4. Thank you guys for your comments and sorry for the delay. As some of you suggested to post the code of my question i attached the file. Actually i have 2 problems: 1- I want to use one tab control for numbers 4 and 5 in the listbox so when the user click any of 4 or 5 , the default values of the tab control change. 2- I couldn't make the items in listbox active so when the user click in any of them ( surview,Body,MPR,...) the related tab control shows up and the button next to that item lights up( become yellow). In my example, it only could be done by clicking on the buttons next to the items not by clicking on the written items. Thanks listbox.vi
  5. Regarding my last question, I could make the picture drop down using "pict ring", but what i exactly need to make is a combined drop down menu showing in my sample file.i am confused how to make it. Does anybody know how i can make it? i attach the new sample file
  6. Thank you all. still not found the way but i will try on ni examples.
  7. I am not proffessional in labview but trying to make an educational program. I have leaarned a lot so far from you guys in this forum. My new problem is that i have a Tab control which has differnet data in different numeric indicators. I have also 2 buttons. I want to set them as whenever i push any of these buttons, the default values in tab control changes. Could help me in that regard?
  8. Thanks.Do you have a sample to send me?
  9. I have put a listbox in my user interface (like the attached image file) and want to use event structure to make an event for each item when selected by user.
  10. I want to link a listbox to an event structure but i don't know how to assign each item in list as a case in event-case structue. It only shows the whole list box when i want to Add an event case!! how can i define each item in my list as a case in event structure?
  11. Yes, I tried picture Ring ,but the issue is that the items(images) are changed one by one and i couldn't make it like what it is shown in attached image ( all images are visible and user can select one among them)
  12. I want to creat a drop down menu which user can select a picture among different pictures. I am wondering how can i put pictures insted of words in a drop down menu? I would appreciate if you could give me your advise. Attached file is the image of drop menu i want to create in labview.
  13. Thank you so much Crelf I couldn't find anything in property. As you requested i send the code + avi . To decrease th eavi size i cut it ,but now when i run the code it shrinks to a smaller size rather than expanding ( but still the same problem). Also, I don't want the video to be played befoe clicking the play button. Could you help me in this regard as well? There was a problem in uploading the files so i uploaded in hotfiles . Here is the link: http://hotfile.com/dl/62756263/c6c17fb/video_test.zip.html Thank you Thank you Val I was hoping there were simple ways but it seems it is a known problem with Labview.
  14. I wrote a code which opens an avi file that shows how to work with one of our instruments. I made an Activex container in front panel and inserted windows media player in it. It works very well but the issue is every time it opens the avi file, it expands the container frame and shows the video in a larger frame. I want to fit it in it's own container frame which i have put on front panel. I tried a lot with property node and property invoke stuffs to figure it out but i didn't find the solution!!! I would appreciate if anybody could tell me how i can fit the video file playing in it's own playing-frame on my front panel.?
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