I'll expand a little on what I'm doing since there were some requests. I use the MGI Read/Write Anything VIs to save data, but the Read/Write Anything VIs currently save LVClass data as flattened data in a Hex string. The LVClasses represent instruments that are used in tests. I've had lots of problems with changing the data inside the class and then having the unflatten fail because the saved data can't be mutated to the new class version. I know that LVClasses are supposed to handle this, so I don't know if I'm doing something strange or if there is another problem, but the first time it happened I just recreated all the instruments, and I assumed it was a fluke. It has since happened enough other times that I felt I needed to address the problem. In fact, I think I am just now realizing the problem; the file that contains the flattened class data is on a shared network drive. There are typically multiple computers reading the instruments, and its possible they run different versions of the software, so that if the new version reads the old LVClass flattened data and then saves it as a new version, then when the old version trys to read the data it will fail because it doesn't understand the new data. I should verify that this is what is happening.
However, it is not practical to force every lab computer to update at the same time, so I'm still interested in saving the LVClass data in an ini format. I realize I would lose the mutation handling capabilities of LVClasses, but it is worth the trade if I can have old versions of the application able to mostly read the new versions of the LVClass data, which I think will work fine if the data is saved as text fields.
Currently, I have added a "Write to INI" and a "Read from INI" dynamic dispatch VI to each LVClass in the instrument hierarchy. This gives me the behavior that I want, but it took several hours and I have to remember to update these methods every time I change the data of the LVClass.
For all the other LVClasses I've written I haven't needed or wanted to arbitrarily save all the class data. This is the first use case where I've wanted this ability. My use case may be strange because all my LVClasses contain data that I want to be persistent and accessible from multiple versions of the built executable. It may be time for me to learn the LVClass mutation rules. I would welcome any comments about the wisdom or foolishness of wanting to save LVClasses into an ini file.