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Michael Aivaliotis

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Status Updates posted by Michael Aivaliotis

  1. RT @kirienne: And for today's laugh: http://www.rockyflatsgear.com/ - protect against airport x-rays. Tin foil helmet, anyone?

  2. I just wanted to tweet: Bucky Gunts!!

  3. Not 100% convinced yet that my Mac is that much better than my PC. I've had app crashes and system hangs. So there.

  4. Thanks to @wilw for introducing me to Ken Levine's blog which I just spent the last hour reading. http://bit.ly/a45vKl

  5. Is it possible to unfriend someone from Facebook without them getting offended?

  6. RT @wilw: Facebook rolls out the biggest privacy hole of all - Places - and turns it on by default. How to turn it off: http://bit.ly/9kuCKL

  7. Why is the Home Depot exit always miles away from the entrance?

  8. Just watched Mr. Nobody (2009). My mind is blown. Find it and watch it!

  9. Reason to hold on tightly to the mic when interviewing: http://youtu.be/pRMBQlLf8Ew

  10. Oh, BTW. Forgot to tell y'all. I've switched to a #Mac. Been using a PC all my life.

  11. Cool google analytics alternative to website traffic monitoring: http://foolishadventure.com)

  12. Starting new book - Titan by Ben Bova. (Thinking I wish I had a cool last name like Bova)

  13. Hurt people, hurt people.

  14. Watching live country music. Did I mention I hate country music? http://twitpic.com/2cmy36

  15. Can someone tell me what the hell *this* is? http://tweetphoto.com/37472263

  16. Got home from #niweek to my new #iPhone bumper. It's much nicer than the photos.

  17. Just because I carry a camera, doesn't mean I put everything on the web. Don't be afraid to talk to me... Please!

  18. Getting all my video gear ready for #NIWeek. Hmm, let's see, iPhone 4... check! Huh, I guess I'm done.

  19. Steve Jobs as Darth Vadar, slices fingers with light saber to make iPhone work better - http://youtu.be/Tn-YesqzvNk

  20. The Inception trailer was better than the actual movie. Loved the soundtrack though! - Disappointed.

    1. Daklu


      Thanks for the review. I had planned on going to see it but now I'll wait for it to hit Netflix.

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