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Michael Aivaliotis

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Everything posted by Michael Aivaliotis

  1. Detroit Wildlife from florent tillon on Vimeo.
  2. For the record, I've seen that before too.
  3. QUOTE (Aristos Queue @ Jan 21 2009, 08:39 PM) I can't tell if you're serious or not.
  4. We should seriously make a page for this on the LabVIEW Wiki and link HH to it when necessary. can someone please do the needful?
  5. So far I still haven't heard any valid arguments against releasing it in NI Labs. As the young people say: "All of them are made of FAIL and are pretty lame". Nice try though. It's a fact that since the "secret" of scripting came out here on the forums, NI has been hiding more and more of the exposed features available with the hidden ini key with every new release of LabVIEW. There is still a lot of stuff under the hood that is not available by entering the hidden ini key. Also, what about xnodes? yet another piece of the puzzle that should be released at the same time as scripting. Hey, all the docs for Xnodes are on our Wiki. Just hand over the docs for VI scripting to LAVA and tell us how to unlock it all and we'll take care of the rest. Seriously, no one will know.... :ninja:
  6. Are you using the NI database toolkit? I know that it allows parameterized queries because I've used that in the past for blob data but was not aware of the 4-byte issue.
  7. The only way I know to set the CLIENT_MULTI_RESULTS flag is via the ODBC driver. If you set the CLIENT_MULTI_STATEMENTS flag then this flag will be set too. Watch the video below to see how I enable the CLIENT_MULTI_STATEMENTS flag. I'm using ODBC driver version 5.1:
  8. Here is some of the Twitter thread: QUOTE I mentioned Releasing VI Scripting in NI Labs to NI right when NI Labs was first announced. Nothing has become of it however which is sad. Question to you MikaelH: How do you get scripting enabled in 8.6?
  9. Regardless of your fancy footwork, I would fail you because your app is dead in the water right from the start. I can't even run it because you've hardcoded a path to a VI: If your app doesn't work out of the box, it's made of FAIL. It's like going to an audition on American Idol and you forget the lyrics to the song.
  10. Some questions as a user: I see a Stop button. What are you stopping? Where's the Start button? What are you starting? Is the test information all controls or indicators? If they are indicators then how do you edit the info? What's Crossfire and Gamepad? Why are they important to me? Why does the indicator say Idle? Isn't it more important to know when it's running? Is battery level in Volts? I don't see any units in your Measurement table (or the graphs and legend) All the above questions should be answerd easily by just looking at the UI. Anyway, I just did a quick pass at it. Also, I like to see the UI interaction flow go from Left to right (ie. Test Information on the left) but perhaps in China it's different.
  11. I'm very excited to announce that LAVA has accepted an invitation to participate in the VI Package Network Beta. The VI Package Network is a distribution platform for tools created by the LabVIEW community. The LAVA Code Repository code will be made available for installation in VI Package Manager along side the OpenG add-ons for LabVIEW (which are already part of the VI Package Network). Having the LAVA Code Repository code available on the VI Package Network will provide great benefits to the LAVA and LabVIEW communities such as: A wider reach for code developers to expose their work to thousands of VIPM users. Easier install and uninstall of LAVA CR code Easier upgrade to new versions of LAVA CR code Unique subpalette called LAVA with our logo. LAVA CR Code will still be available for download from the LAVA website as before, however it will now also be available in the new VI Package (*.VIP) file format. LAVA CR code developers can opt out of the VI Package Network. In that case the files will remain in the ZIP file format. Submissions to the VI Package Network should be in the VI Package format and can be created using VI Package Manager. JKI is generously donated VIPM Professional licenses to the LAVA Code Repository assessment team, in order to facilitate the submission process. More details on the new submission process will be outlined in the days to come and will be available here. Until we iron out the kinks, the old submission process using ZIP files is still in effect. Existing LAVA CR code we will be gradually migrated to the new VI Package format and submitted to the VI Package Network. To facilitate this, I will be contacting every code submitter to get their approval and in turn coordinating the packaging and distribution process. I'm very excited to see this development and look forward to having more high quality LabVIEW code available on the VI Package Network produced by the great talent here on LAVA. Please post any questions in this thread.
  12. If you are a user of Twitter you will be happy to know LAVA now has a Twitter account here. We will be posting LAVA news on there and possibly links to noteworthy posts every now and then.
  13. If you are a user of Twitter you will be happy to know LAVA now has a Twitter account here. We will be posting LAVA news on there and possibly links to noteworthy posts every now and then.
  14. The error message is implying that the application builder itself is broken. The AB prefix on the VIs stands for Application Builder.
  15. Well I'm not using auto-populating folders but I'm using LV8.2.1 which doesn't have this feature BTW.
  16. I have a project file that always shows an asterisk (like there are unsaved changes) every single time I open it. If I save it, then do a diff on the project file it doesn't show any changes. What gives?
  17. QUOTE (crelf @ Dec 24 2008, 05:54 AM) Thanks for that horrible video Chris, now you've made my Christmas 2008 memorable you bastard! The scary part is he thinks he's good. What a waste of studio equipment... dear god Oh my god I can't stop laughing.
  18. Thanks Irene! Happy holidays to all LAVA members from me as well. Now with all that free time on your hands over the holidays, why not go over to our LabVIEW Wiki and write an article or two.
  19. QUOTE (AndyDm @ Dec 3 2008, 07:29 AM) If I were to post a doctored image of a triple monitor setup on LAVA, then I would at least use an image of the host website. Not the "dark side" forums. Sheesh.
  20. I'm extremely happy to let everyone know that LAVA has a new addition to the moderator team. Let's all welcome Antoine Châlons. He will help with organizing posts, deleting spam and helping out around here in general. We currently have two other moderators: Jim Kring and Chris Relf. If there is anyone else willing to help out, just PM me and we can discuss. The more eyes the better. All help is greatly appreciated! :thumbup:
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