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Michael Aivaliotis

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Everything posted by Michael Aivaliotis

  1. QUOTE (scott45acp @ Mar 4 2009, 07:00 AM) Congrats on giving back to the engineers of tomorrow! We need more like you.
  2. Anyone who has a link to the LAVA Forums on their website (like Hooovahh) is cool in my books.
  3. QUOTE (sachsm @ Mar 1 2009, 09:54 AM) If it works then what's the problem?
  4. Good Job Tomi! Any customer would be very lucky to work with you.
  5. I think a coding challenge involving LVOOP would be nice to see. Also, how about having an NI Forums vs. LAVA Forums competition?
  6. QUOTE (Kubo @ Feb 20 2009, 02:12 PM) I agree, that's why you should post an image of your block diagram, not your front panel. There are two parts to a VI. A block diagram and a front panel. We can't see the block diagram.
  7. Sorry, I misunderstood. Actually, the software running on this site is composed of a number of paid software components. One of them being the forums module. More information can be found here.
  8. That guy should have known better. Kids have a better success rate if they're pushed off a cliff.
  9. Thanks for reporting that. BTW, these aren't "Free" forums.
  10. If you're new at LabVIEW, things can be a little overwhelming. It sounds like your application is working so I wouldn't change anything right now. Look at my attached image for a suggestion to do what you want. Some of the string primitives in LabVIEW require a bit of extra code to get them to do what you want. For example, in the image attached, I had to add a >=0 function to find out if my string actually matched. PS. I added a linefeed character to your string building. That might make your Terminal output a little more readable.
  11. Hey Alessandro, nice creative use of LIDAR. I was at a robotics show and took a video of a LIDAR that was setup in the middle of the show floor. Check out the video on my blog here: http://michael.aivaliotis.com/2008/11/20/lidar/
  12. An easier fix is just to make sure there is a blank line between each instance of the template.
  13. I've added a feature to the LabVIEW Wiki. Now you can embed flash videos from external sites like youtube, screencast.com, blip.tv etc, etc. All you need to do is switch to the plain text editor and paste the embed code from the site of your choice. Make sure to strip out any <object> code. All you need is the text between the <embed></embed> tags. I haven't tried it with all video sites. If you need one that doesn't seem to work please let me know in the main support forum and I'll fix it. I figured the most useful embed would be screencast.com. You can create a screencast to enhance the existing content of a wiki page. I'm still looking at how to embed video that's uploaded to the wiki directly and not sourced externally. I'll keep you posted.
  14. QUOTE (zmarcoz @ Feb 6 2009, 05:54 AM) I suggest you read through the http://wiki.lavag.org/Tips_and_tricks' rel='nofollow' style="background: url(http://wiki.lavag.org/skins/monobook/external.png) center right no-repeat; padding-right: 13px; style="border-bottom: 1px dotted rgb(51, 102, 187); cursor:pointer; text-decoration:none;" class="wiki" alt="Link to LabVIEW Wiki Article: Tips_and_tricks" title="Link to LabVIEW Wiki Article: Tips_and_tricks">Tips_and_tricks Wiki page. This was mentioned in there.
  15. QUOTE (mesmith @ Feb 5 2009, 01:50 PM) Big congrats to you! And thank you for letting us review your sample program. I think it's good practice to let other LAVA members (or others in general) review your work. This is one of the points mentioned in http://labviewartisan.blogspot.com/2009/01/labview-certification-preparing-for-cld.html' rel='nofollow' target="_blank">Darren's blog post.
  16. QUOTE (Darren @ Feb 3 2009, 10:56 PM) Did NI give you an old slow machine? Oh, I see, It's because you program in LabVIEW right? All the C developers get the good stuff. The start menu shoes up instantly for me.
  17. I've added a feature (extension) to the Wiki to make it easier to add an article to a specific category. It's located at the bottom of the editor and it works with the plain text and rich text editor. It shows you the existing categories assigned (if any) and performs an auto-suggest as you type of existing categories that are used in the Wiki. Of course you can enter your own categories on the fly and ignore the suggestions.
  18. QUOTE (jdunham @ Feb 3 2009, 07:31 PM) That's so great. Thanks Jason. If anyone else is wondering how to do this just add the following to your ini file.: BDFont="Tahoma" 13 appFont="Tahoma" 13 More details can be found in the http://wiki.lavag.org/LabVIEW_configuration_file/Fonts' rel='nofollow' target="_blank">LabVIEW Wiki here.
  19. I installed Windows Vista on my PC. Now when I open old code which was written on Windows XP, all the fonts on the Vi diagrams seem to be slightly bigger. I notice this because text and string constants are now touching other objects when they weren't before. This also applies to bundle\unbundle nodes, properties etc. Anyone know how to fix this? I'm using LabVIEW 8.6. This even happens to newly created VI's Is this just the new standard?
  20. As mentioned previously, I've upgraded the LabVIEW Wiki to MediaWiki 1.13.3. I've also changed the look of the site to more of a traditional theme to make it look more like other MediaWiki sites, while still retaining the LAVA links along the top of the page. I think this will make it easier to read. The big feature I've added is the new Rich Text editor. This is an extension which integrates the FCKeditor into the MediaWiki. More information about the project can be found here. I'll be making a video tutorial and a wiki page in the wiki help about how to use this new editor but until then, feel free to use it and play around. I'm hoping this new, easy to use, editor interface will be the catalyst for more article creation in the Wiki. Even though the rich text editor can do a lot of things, it is not a total replacement for the text based editor. In some cases, you may need to revert to the standard editor to perform more involved tasks. You can quickly and easily switch between default and rich text editor whenever you need. It's also not recommended to use the rich text editor for editing wiki templates. I think the new interface will be used for most editing tasks and will make adding content a lot easier for everyone.
  21. Do you want to submit this to the code repository? You can get it on the VI Package Network.
  22. OK, he's been deleted, gone, blown away and banned.
  23. Ya, my point of posting this video is not to put down the city or for any negative response. I hang out in interesting video circles on the web due to my interest in video blogging, and this video popped up in our discussions. It's a great example of creating a desired mood and feeling. I know there are a lot of LAVA members from Michigan so I figured you might want to see it.
  24. I've upgrade the LabVIEW Wiki to use the latest stable released version of MediaWiki. One small problem after the upgrade: The editing toolbar has gone missing: No worries, I know what the problem is but can't get to it until this weekend. On the positive side. I'm also planning to add a WYSIWYG editor on the weekend too. Stay tuned.
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