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Everything posted by dxy6406

  1. Ok, maybe I wasn't clear. Long story short is that I need to control two things at once via I2C. How can I do this?
  2. Here is what I am trying to do I have a USB I2C Bus controller with lab view drivers to read and write from. I have two I2C devices, an analog to digital converter and an rf bias voltage controller. The analog to digital converter output voltage needs to be constantly read and updated to a labview interface circa every 250ms. I have this module working. My question is how can I read the voltage as I am doing and simultaneously control the rf bias controller. What labview mechanisms exist to interleave execution? If I am not being clear let me know.
  3. dxy6406

    Chat times

    use labview for research and development. specifically working on a power amplifier for a radio.
  4. Hello all, I am using a sub VI that produces a byte array. I use "Byte Array to String" and display this value using a string indicator. I also want to take the 1-byte hex number and display its numeric value. For example, 0xFF would produce 255. I tried type casting and using "Hexadecimal String to Number" but it does not seem to be working. Any help would be appreciated.
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